
134 lines
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2024-09-04 16:20:19 +08:00
import os
import frontmatter
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, NewPost
from datetime import datetime
# 配置部分
hexo_posts_dir = '/home/songtianlun/Sync/Develop/frytea/source/_posts' # Hexo 文章目录
wordpress_url = ""
wordpress_username = 'songtianlun'
wordpress_password = 'sotilu,WP2024'
# 初始化 WordPress 客户端
wp = Client(wordpress_url, wordpress_username, wordpress_password)
# 上传统计信息
total_posts = 0
successful_posts = 0
failed_posts = 0
duplicate_posts = []
def get_all_wp_posts():
print("Fetching existing posts from WordPress...")
all_posts = []
offset = 0
increment = 20 # 每次获取的文章数量,可以调整
while True:
batch ={'number': increment, 'offset': offset}))
if not batch:
offset += increment
print(f"Total existing posts fetched: {len(all_posts)}")
return {post.title: for post in all_posts}
def scan_directory_for_posts(directory, category_prefix=""):
posts = []
post_count = 1
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
category = category_prefix + os.path.basename(root) # 使用文件夹作为类别
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.md'):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
post_title, post_data = process_md_file(file_path)
if post_title and post_data:
posts.append((post_title, post_data, category, post_count))
post_count += 1
return posts
def process_md_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
post_data = frontmatter.load(f)
# 构造 WordPress 文章
post_title = post_data['title'] if 'title' in post_data else os.path.basename(file_path)
return post_title, post_data
def create_wordpress_post(post_title, post_data, category):
# 构造 WordPress 文章
post = WordPressPost()
post.title = post_title
post.content = post_data.content
post.terms_names = {
'category': [category],
'post_tag': post_data['tags'] if 'tags' in post_data else [],
if 'date' in post_data: = datetime.strptime(str(post_data['date']), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
post.post_status = 'publish' # 或 'draft' 保存为草稿
return post
def upload_post_with_retries(post, post_number, retries=3):
global successful_posts, failed_posts
attempt = 0
while attempt < retries:
post_id =
print(f"Post {post_number}: '{post.title}' - Upload successful. WordPress ID: {post_id}")
successful_posts += 1
return True
except Exception as e:
attempt += 1
print(f"Post {post_number}: '{post.title}' - Attempt {attempt} failed with error: {e}")
if attempt == retries:
print(f"Post {post_number}: '{post.title}' - Failed to upload after {retries} attempts.")
failed_posts += 1
return False
def upload_posts_to_wordpress(posts_to_upload):
global total_posts
total_posts = len(posts_to_upload)
for post, post_number in posts_to_upload:
upload_post_with_retries(post, post_number)
except Exception:
print(f"Post {post_number}: '{post.title}' - Failed permanently.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
existing_wp_posts = get_all_wp_posts()
posts = scan_directory_for_posts(hexo_posts_dir)
posts_to_upload = []
for post_title, post_data, category, post_number in posts:
if post_title in existing_wp_posts:
print(f"Post '{post_title}' skipped: already exists.")
duplicate_posts.append((post_title, post_number))
post = create_wordpress_post(post_title, post_data, category)
posts_to_upload.append((post, len(posts_to_upload) + 1))
print("Migration completed!")
print(f"Total posts processed: {total_posts}")
print(f"Successfully uploaded: {successful_posts}")
print(f"Failed uploads: {failed_posts}")
if duplicate_posts:
print("\nDuplicate posts found:")
for title, post_number in duplicate_posts:
print(f"Title: {title} - File Number: {post_number}")
print("\nNo duplicate posts found.")