// acctabc.cpp -- bank account class methods #include #include "acctabc.h" using std::cout; using std::ios_base; using std::endl; using std::string; // Abstract Base Class AcctABC::AcctABC(const string & s, long an, double bal) { fullName = s; acctNum = an; balance = bal; } void AcctABC::Deposit(double amt) { if (amt < 0) cout << "Negative deposit not allowed; " << "deposit is cancelled.\n"; else balance += amt; } void AcctABC::Withdraw(double amt) { balance -= amt; } // protected methods for formatting AcctABC::Formatting AcctABC::SetFormat() const { // set up ###.## format Formatting f; f.flag = cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); f.pr = cout.precision(2); return f; } void AcctABC::Restore(Formatting & f) const { cout.setf(f.flag, ios_base::floatfield); cout.precision(f.pr); } // Brass methods void Brass::Withdraw(double amt) { if (amt < 0) cout << "Withdrawal amount must be positive; " << "withdrawal canceled.\n"; else if (amt <= Balance()) AcctABC::Withdraw(amt); else cout << "Withdrawal amount of $" << amt << " exceeds your balance.\n" << "Withdrawal canceled.\n"; } void Brass::ViewAcct() const { Formatting f = SetFormat(); cout << "Brass Client: " << FullName() << endl; cout << "Account Number: " << AcctNum() << endl; cout << "Balance: $" << Balance() << endl; Restore(f); } // BrassPlus Methods BrassPlus::BrassPlus(const string & s, long an, double bal, double ml, double r) : AcctABC(s, an, bal) { maxLoan = ml; owesBank = 0.0; rate = r; } BrassPlus::BrassPlus(const Brass & ba, double ml, double r) : AcctABC(ba) // uses implicit copy constructor { maxLoan = ml; owesBank = 0.0; rate = r; } void BrassPlus::ViewAcct() const { Formatting f = SetFormat(); cout << "BrassPlus Client: " << FullName() << endl; cout << "Account Number: " << AcctNum() << endl; cout << "Balance: $" << Balance() << endl; cout << "Maximum loan: $" << maxLoan << endl; cout << "Owed to bank: $" << owesBank << endl; cout.precision(3); cout << "Loan Rate: " << 100 * rate << "%\n"; Restore(f); } void BrassPlus::Withdraw(double amt) { Formatting f = SetFormat(); double bal = Balance(); if (amt <= bal) AcctABC::Withdraw(amt); else if ( amt <= bal + maxLoan - owesBank) { double advance = amt - bal; owesBank += advance * (1.0 + rate); cout << "Bank advance: $" << advance << endl; cout << "Finance charge: $" << advance * rate << endl; Deposit(advance); AcctABC::Withdraw(amt); } else cout << "Credit limit exceeded. Transaction cancelled.\n"; Restore(f); }