// and.cpp -- using the logical AND operator #include const int ArSize = 6; int main() { using namespace std; float naaq[ArSize]; cout << "Enter the NAAQs (New Age Awareness Quotients) " << "of\nyour neighbors. Program terminates " << "when you make\n" << ArSize << " entries " << "or enter a negative value.\n"; int i = 0; float temp; cout << "First value: "; cin >> temp; while (i < ArSize && temp >= 0) // 2 quitting criteria { naaq[i] = temp; ++i; if (i < ArSize) // room left in the array, { cout << "Next value: "; cin >> temp; // so get next value } } if (i == 0) cout << "No data--bye\n"; else { cout << "Enter your NAAQ: "; float you; cin >> you; int count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) if (naaq[j] > you) ++count; cout << count; cout << " of your neighbors have greater awareness of\n" << "the New Age than you do.\n"; } // cin.get(); // cin.get(); return 0; }