// usebrass1.cpp -- testing bank account classes // compile with brass.cpp #include #include "brass.h" int main() { using std::cout; using std::endl; Brass Piggy("Porcelot Pigg", 381299, 4000.00); BrassPlus Hoggy("Horatio Hogg", 382288, 3000.00); Piggy.ViewAcct(); cout << endl; Hoggy.ViewAcct(); cout << endl; cout << "Depositing $1000 into the Hogg Account:\n"; Hoggy.Deposit(1000.00); cout << "New balance: $" << Hoggy.Balance() << endl; cout << "Withdrawing $4200 from the Pigg Account:\n"; Piggy.Withdraw(4200.00); cout << "Pigg account balance: $" << Piggy.Balance() << endl; cout << "Withdrawing $4200 from the Hogg Account:\n"; Hoggy.Withdraw(4200.00); Hoggy.ViewAcct(); // std::cin.get(); return 0; }