#include "monitsys.h" //stLogMsg *syslogreport,commendlog; float cal_cpuoccupy(CPU_OCCUPY *o,CPU_OCCUPY *n) { unsigned long od,nd; unsigned long id,sd; float cpu_use = 0; od = (unsigned long)(o->user + o->nice + o->system + o->idle); nd = (unsigned long)(n->user + n->nice + n->system + n->idle); id = (unsigned long)(n->nice - o->nice); sd = (unsigned long)(n->idle - o->idle); if((nd-od) != 0) cpu_use = (float)(((nd-od)-sd))*100/(nd-od); else cpu_use = 0; return cpu_use; } int judgeiflogin() { FILE *fd = NULL; char buff[180],*num=NULL, *cmd=NULL,*cur,bu[180]; int i = 0,le = 0,newnum = 0, devalue = 0, t = 0, len = 0; // system("who /var/log/wtmp | wc -l > /home/czl/tengswitch/login.txt"); // fd = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/login.txt","r"); if(NULL==(fd = popen(" who /var/log/wtmp | wc -l ","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return 0; } // fd = popen("history | tail -n 6","r"); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); // printf("string in buff is:%s\n", buff); // sscanf(buff,"%s %s",bu,&commendlog->szMsg[0][0]); // printf("newnum in bu is :%s\n", bu); newnum = atoi(buff); printf("newnum in bu is :%d\n", newnum); fclose(fd); return newnum; } // stLogMsg *judgelogin() /* void judgelogin() { FILE *fd; memset(&commendlog,0,sizeof(stLogMsg)); // stLogMsg commendlog ; // commendlog = (stLogMsg*)malloc(sizeof(stLogMsg)); // memset(commendlog,0, sizeof(stLogMsg)); commendlog.uiType = 5; stpcpy(commendlog.szIp,""); gettimeofday(&commendlog.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(commendlog.szLogFile,"/log/wtmp"); char buff[180],*num=NULL, *cmd=NULL,*cur,bu[180]; int i = 0,le = 0,newnum = 0, devalue = 0, t = 0, len = 0; // system("who /var/log/wtmp | wc -l > /home/czl/tengswitch/login.txt"); fd = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/login.txt","r"); // fd = popen("history | tail -n 6","r"); // fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); // printf("string in buff is:%s\n", buff); // sscanf(buff,"%s %s",bu,&commendlog->szMsg[0][0]); // printf("newnum in bu is :%s\n", bu); // newnum = atoi(buff); devalue = newloginnum - lastloginnum; if (devalue > 5 || devalue < 0) { printf("devalue in loop1 is :%d\n", devalue); //sprintf(cmd,"who /var/log/wtmp |",); system("who /var/log/wtmp | tail -n 6 > /home/czl/tengswitch/login.txt"); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); for(le=0;le < 5; le++) { buff[180] = '0'; // sscanf(buff,"%s",&commendlog->szMsg[0][le]); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); memcpy(&commendlog.szMsg[le],buff,strlen(buff)); //printf("size of buff is %d \n",sizeof(buff)); //printf("strlen of buff is %d \n",strlen(buff)); printf("log in 1struct is %s",&commendlog.szMsg[le]); } printf("have come here \n"); } else if (devalue <= 5 || devalue > 0) { sprintf(bu,"who /var/log/wtmp | tail -n %d > /home/czl/tengswitch/login.txt",devalue+1); //printf("bu is :%s\n", bu); printf("devalue in loop2 is :%d\n", devalue); // cmd =&bu[0]; //memcpy(cmd,bu,strlen(bu)); //printf("cmd is :%d\n", cmd); system(bu); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); for(le=0; le < devalue; le++) { buff[180] = '0'; fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); memcpy(&commendlog.szMsg[le],buff,strlen(buff)); printf("log in 2 struct is %s \n",&commendlog.szMsg[le]); } } // printf("newnum is :%d\n", newnum); // return &commendlog; fclose(fd); // printf("end of loop\n"); // lastlognum = newnum; } */ stLogMsg judgelogin(char *ip) { stLogMsg getlogin; // getlogin = (stLogMsg*)malloc(sizeof(stLogMsg)); FILE *fd; // memset(&commendlog,0,sizeof(stLogMsg)); memset(&getlogin,0,sizeof(stLogMsg)); // stLogMsg commendlog ; // commendlog = (stLogMsg*)malloc(sizeof(stLogMsg)); // memset(commendlog,0, sizeof(stLogMsg)); getlogin.uiType = 5; stpcpy(getlogin.szIp,ip); gettimeofday(&getlogin.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(getlogin.szLogFile,"login"); char buff[180],*num=NULL, *cmd=NULL,*cur,bu[180]; int i = 0,le = 0,newnum = 0, devalue = 0, t = 0, len = 0; system("who /var/log/wtmp | wc -l > /root/monitor/login.txt"); fd = fopen("/root/monitor/login.txt","r"); // fd = popen("history | tail -n 6","r"); // fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); // printf("string in buff is:%s\n", buff); // sscanf(buff,"%s %s",bu,&commendlog->szMsg[0][0]); // printf("newnum in bu is :%s\n", bu); // newnum = atoi(buff); devalue = newloginnum - lastloginnum; if (devalue > 5 || devalue < 0) { printf("devalue in loop1 is :%d\n", devalue); //sprintf(cmd,"who /var/log/wtmp |",); system("who /var/log/wtmp | tail -n 6 > /root/monitor/login.txt"); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); for(le=0;le < 5; le++) { buff[180] = '0'; // sscanf(buff,"%s",&commendlog->szMsg[0][le]); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); memset(&getlogin.szMsg[le],0,sizeof(getlogin.szMsg[le])); memcpy(&getlogin.szMsg[le],buff,strlen(buff)); //printf("size of buff is %d \n",sizeof(buff)); //printf("strlen of buff is %d \n",strlen(buff)); //printf("log in 1struct is %s",&getlogin->szMsg[le]); } //printf("have come here \n"); } else if (devalue <= 5 || devalue > 0) { memset(&getlogin.szMsg[0],0,5*sizeof(getlogin.szMsg[le])); sprintf(bu,"who /var/log/wtmp | tail -n %d > /root/monitor/login.txt",devalue+1); //printf("bu is :%s\n", bu); printf("devalue in loop2 is :%d\n", devalue); // cmd =&bu[0]; //memcpy(cmd,bu,strlen(bu)); //printf("cmd is :%d\n", cmd); system(bu); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); for(le=0; le < devalue; le++) { buff[180] = '0'; fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); memset(&getlogin.szMsg[le],0,sizeof(getlogin.szMsg[le])); memcpy(&getlogin.szMsg[le],buff,strlen(buff)); //printf("log in 2 struct is %s \n",&getlogin->szMsg[le]); } } // printf("newnum is :%d\n", newnum); // printf("msg login in function type is %d\nip is %s\nfilename is %s\n ",getlogin->uiType,getlogin->szIp,getlogin->szLogFile); // printf("szMsg0 is %s\n",getlogin->szMsg[0]); // printf("szMsg1 is %s\n",getlogin->szMsg[1]); // printf("szMsg2 is %s\n",getlogin->szMsg[2]); // printf("szMsg3 is %s\n",getlogin->szMsg[3]); // printf("szMsg4 is %s\n",getlogin->szMsg[4]); fclose(fd); return getlogin; // lastlognum = newnum; } /* void judgecommend() { stLogMsg *commendlog = NULL;//, *pst=NULL; FILE *fd; char buff[180],*num, *cmd,*cur,bu[180]; int i = 0,le = 0,newnum = 0, devalue = 0, t = 0, len = 0; const char s[2] = " "; commendlog = (stLogMsg*)malloc(sizeof(stLogMsg)); memset(commendlog,0, sizeof(stLogMsg)); //system("history | tail -n 6 > /home/czl/tengswitch/history.txt"); system("who /var/log/wtmp > /home/czl/tengswitch/history.txt"); while(1) { } fd = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/history.txt","r"); // fd = popen("history | tail -n 6","r"); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); printf("string in buff is:%s\n", buff); sscanf(buff,"%s %s",bu,&commendlog->szMsg[0][0]); // printf("newnum in bu is :%s\n", bu); newnum = atoi(bu); devalue = newnum - lastnum; printf("devalue before loop is %d\n",devalue); printf("begin to loop\n"); for(le = 0; le < 5; le++) { memset(commendlog,0, sizeof(stLogMsg)); buff[180] = '0'; fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); if(le < 5-devalue ) continue; printf("%s\n", buff); cur = &buff[0]; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { // printf("%d\n", i); if (*cur == ' ') t++; if (t == 2) num = ++cur; if (t == 4) { cmd = ++cur; break; } cur++; } // printf("%s\n", num); printf("%s\n", cmd); len =strlen(cmd); memcpy(&commendlog->szMsg[0][le],cmd,len); printf("string in struct is %s\n", &commendlog->szMsg[0][le]); // printf("4%c\n", buff[3]); // printf("5%c\n", buff[4]); // printf("6%c\n", buff[5]); // printf("7%c\n", buff[6]); // printf("8%c\n", buff[7]); // printf("9%c\n", buff[8]); // num = strtok(buff,s); //printf( "%s\n",num); //cmd = strtok(NULL,s); // strcpy(bu, strtok(NULL, " ")); // printf("%s\n", num); //sscanf(buff,"%s %s",num, commendlog->szMsg[0][0]); // pis =&commendlog[0]; // commendlog->uiType = 1; // printf("%s %s\n", num , commendlog->szMsg[0][0]); // printf("%d \n", commendlog->uiType); } fclose(fd); printf("end of loop\n"); lastnum = newnum; } */ void getPidByName(pid_t *pid, char *task_name) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ptr; FILE *fp; char filepath[50]; char cur_task_name[50]; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; dir = opendir("/proc"); if (NULL != dir) { while ((ptr = readdir(dir)) != NULL) //循环读取/proc下的每一个文件/文件夹 { //如果读取到的是"."或者".."则跳过,读取到的不是文件夹名字也跳过 if ((strcmp(ptr->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(ptr->d_name, "..") == 0)) continue; if (DT_DIR != ptr->d_type) continue; sprintf(filepath, "/proc/%s/status", ptr->d_name);//生成要读取的文件的路径 fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); if (NULL != fp) { if( fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE-1, fp)== NULL ) { fclose(fp); continue; } sscanf(buf, "%*s %s", cur_task_name); //如果文件内容满足要求则打印路径的名字(即进程的PID) if (!strcmp(task_name, cur_task_name)) { sscanf(ptr->d_name, "%d", pid); } fclose(fp); } } closedir(dir); } } void get_cpuoccupy(CPU_OCCUPY *cpust) { FILE *fd; int n; char buff[256]; CPU_OCCUPY *cpu_occupy; cpu_occupy = cpust; fd = fopen("/proc/stat","r"); fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); sscanf(buff,"%s %u %u %u %u",cpu_occupy->name,&cpu_occupy->user,&cpu_occupy->nice,&cpu_occupy->system,&cpu_occupy->idle); // printf("%s %u %u %u %u\n",cpu_occupy->name,cpu_occupy->user,cpu_occupy->nice,cpu_occupy->system,cpu_occupy->idle); fclose(fd); } int firewallcharge() { FILE *fd; int n; char buff[16]; char buff1[16]; // char buff2[16]; char buff2[16] = "active"; // system("systemctl status firewalld.service | grep Active > /home/czl/tengswitch/firewall.txt"); // system("chmod 777 firewall.txt"); //fd = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/firewall.txt","r"); // changed 20200813 if(NULL==(fd = popen("systemctl status firewalld.service | grep Active","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return 0; } //fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); fscanf(fd,"%s %s",buff,buff1); // printf("%s %s\n",buff,buff1); n = strcmp(buff1,buff2); fclose(fd); if( n == 0 ) { //printf("firewall enable\n"); return 0; } else { //printf("firewall disable\n"); return 1; } } unsigned int processnum() { FILE *fd,*fd1; unsigned int pronum; char buff[16]; char buff1[16]; // system("ps -auxw | wc -l >/home/czl/tengswitch/process_num.txt"); //system("chmod 777 /home/czl/tengswitch/process_num.txt"); //fd = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/process_num.txt","r"); if(NULL==(fd = popen("ps -auxw | wc -l","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return 0; } if(fd == NULL) { printf("

open file:process_num.txt error

"); exit(0); } ///fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd); fscanf(fd,"%s",buff); pronum = atoi(buff); fclose(fd); return pronum; } unsigned int uiCronNum() { FILE *fd = NULL,*fp = NULL; unsigned int cronum = 0; char buff[128]="\0"; char buff1[]="no"; system("crontab -l > /root/monitor/cron.txt 2>&1"); system("chmod 777 /root/monitor/cron.txt"); fd = fopen("/root/monitor/cron.txt","r"); while(NULL != fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),fd)) { cronum++; continue; } if(cronum == 1) { fscanf(fd, "%s",buff); buff[2]='\0'; if(strcmp(buff,buff1)==0) { printf("there is no date\n"); cronum = 0; } else { cronum = 1; printf("there is date\n"); } } fclose(fd); printf("num of crontask is %d\n",cronum); return cronum; } unsigned int processnum_tcp() { FILE *fd,*fd1; unsigned int pronum,tcpnum; char buff[16]; char buff1[16]; //netstat -an |grep 'ESTABLISHED' |grep 'tcp' |wc -l // system("netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}' > /home/czl/tengswitch/processtcp.txt"); // system("chmod 777 /home/czl/tengswitch/processtcp.txt"); // fd = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/processtcp.txt","r"); if(NULL==(fd = popen(" netstat -an |grep 'ESTABLISHED' |grep 'tcp' |wc -l ","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return 0; } fscanf(fd,"%s %s",buff,buff1); tcpnum = atoi(buff1); // printf("%d\n",tcpnum); fclose(fd); return tcpnum; } double get_memoccupy() { double memory_have = 0; //system("free -m | grep Mem > memory.txt"); //system("chmod 777 memory.txt"); FILE * fp = NULL; //fp = fopen ("memory.txt", "r"); if(NULL==(fp = popen("free -m | grep Mem","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return 0; } //if(fp == NULL) //{ // printf("

open file:memory.txt error

"); // return 0; //} char s1[20] = {0}; unsigned int total = 0; unsigned int used = 0; fscanf(fp, "%s %d %d", s1, &total, &used); //printf("name: %s\n total:%d\n used:%d\n",s1,total,used); fclose(fp); fp = NULL; memory_have = ((100 * used) / total); return memory_have; } int get_md5passwd(char* md5sum) { char md5num[128] = {0}; char filename[128] = {0}; int n; // system("md5sum /etc/passwd > passwd.txt"); // system("chmod 777 passwd.txt"); FILE * fp = NULL; // fp = fopen ("passwd.txt", "r"); // if(fp == NULL) // { // printf("

open file:passwd.txt error

"); // return 0; // } if(NULL==(fp = popen("md5sum /etc/passwd","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return -1; } //fscanf(fp, "%s %s", md5sum, filename); fread(md5num,1,sizeof(md5num),fp); sscanf(md5num, "%s %s", md5sum, filename); //printf("passwd md5num in function is: %s\n",md5num); fclose(fp); //md5num[32]='\0'; //n = strlen(md5num); // printf("len of passwd is %d\n",n); //fp = NULL; return 0; } int get_md5group(char* md5group) { char m_md5group[128] = {0}; char m_filename[128] = {0}; int n; // system("md5sum /etc/passwd > passwd.txt"); // system("chmod 777 passwd.txt"); FILE * fp = NULL; // fp = fopen ("passwd.txt", "r"); // if(fp == NULL) // { // printf("

open file:passwd.txt error

"); // return 0; // } if(NULL==(fp = popen("md5sum /etc/group","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return -1; } //fscanf(fp, "%s %s", md5group, filename); fread(m_md5group,1,sizeof(m_md5group),fp); sscanf(m_md5group, "%s %s", md5group, m_filename); //printf("passwd md5Group in function is: %s\n",md5group); fclose(fp); //md5num[32]='\0'; //n = strlen(md5num); // printf("len of passwd is %d\n",n); //fp = NULL; return 0; } FILE *getshellvalue(char *pcmd) { FILE * fstream = NULL; if(NULL == (fstream = popen(pcmd,"r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return NULL; } //pcmd = "ls -trl | awk '{print $9}'"; return fstream; } void *get_historycmd(void *arg) { int fd,wd,len,nread,i; char buf[BUFSIZ]; struct inotify_event *event; stLogMsg stlogmsg; FILE * fnsteam = NULL; const char *ip = ""; int port = 7002; char *pcip; pcip = (char *)arg; void * ctx = zmq_ctx_new(); fb_assert(ctx, "create zmq context faild"); void *sock = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ); fb_assert(sock, "create zmq socket faild"); char szaddr[128] = {0}; char cmdbuff[128] = {0}; char cmd[128] = {0}; snprintf(szaddr, sizeof(szaddr), "tcp://%s:%d", ip, port); {//加密相关代码 char szmsg[1024] = {0}; //此密钥为服务端产生的公钥 strcpy(szmsg, "p=lDOa9WKUKz!I9{G)uPX4@&CrV-(>tDg:kaSGzE"); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, szmsg, strlen(szmsg)); char szpubkey[64] = {0}; char szprikey[64] = {0}; zmq_curve_keypair(szpubkey, szprikey); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, szpubkey, strlen(szpubkey)); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, szprikey, strlen(szprikey)); } zmq_connect(sock, szaddr); int count = 0; char szmsg[1024] = {0}; bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); fd = inotify_init(); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_init failed\n"); return NULL; } //wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/test", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/tengswitch", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/tmp/dbasky/root", IN_MODIFY | IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO); if (wd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_add_watch %s failed\n", "/tmp/dbasky/root"); return NULL; } buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; while ((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { nread = 0; while (len > 0) { event = (struct inotify_event *)&buf[nread]; for (i = 0; imask >> i) & 1) { if (event->len > 0) { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); bzero(cmdbuff, sizeof(cmdbuff)); //fprintf(stdout, "%s --- %s\n", event->name, event_str[i]); stlogmsg.uiType = 5; stpcpy(stlogmsg.szIp,pcip); // stpcpy(stfilestate.szPath,"/home/czl/test"); gettimeofday(&stlogmsg.stRcvTime,NULL); //stpcpy(stlogmsg.szLogFile,event->name); stpcpy(stlogmsg.szLogFile,"history"); char text[128]; stpcpy(text,event->name); if (text[0] != '.') { // zmq_send(sock, &stfilestate, sizeof(stFileState), 0); // zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1, 0); printf("type is %d\n ip is %s\n filename is %s\n ",stlogmsg.uiType,stlogmsg.szIp,stlogmsg.szLogFile); sprintf(cmd,"tac /tmp/dbasky/root/%s",event->name); // printf("cmd in fprintf is %s",cmd); fnsteam = getshellvalue(cmd); count = 0; while(NULL != fgets(cmdbuff,sizeof(cmdbuff),fnsteam)) { // fgets(cmdbuff,sizeof(cmdbuff),fnsteam); if (count< 5 ) { stpcpy(stlogmsg.szMsg[count],cmdbuff); printf("cmd in struct is %s\n",stlogmsg.szMsg[count]); } else break; count++; } zmq_send(sock, &stlogmsg, sizeof(stLogMsg), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("return of history cmd is %s\n",szmsg); } fclose(fnsteam); // printf("mestype5 recv is %s\n",szmsg); } } } nread = nread + sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; len = len - sizeof(struct inotify_event) - event->len; } } return 0; } void *monitorfile(void *arg) { int fd,wd,len,nread,i; char buf[BUFSIZ]; struct inotify_event *event; stFileState stfilestate; const char *ip = ""; char *pcip; pcip = (char *)arg; int port = 7002; void * ctx = zmq_ctx_new(); fb_assert(ctx, "create zmq context faild"); void *sock = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ); fb_assert(sock, "create zmq socket faild"); char szaddr[128] = {0}; snprintf(szaddr, sizeof(szaddr), "tcp://%s:%d", ip, port); {//加密相关代码 char szmsg[1024] = {0}; //此密钥为服务端产生的公钥 strcpy(szmsg, "p=lDOa9WKUKz!I9{G)uPX4@&CrV-(>tDg:kaSGzE"); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, szmsg, strlen(szmsg)); char szpubkey[64] = {0}; char szprikey[64] = {0}; zmq_curve_keypair(szpubkey, szprikey); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, szpubkey, strlen(szpubkey)); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, szprikey, strlen(szprikey)); } zmq_connect(sock, szaddr); int count = 0; char szmsg[1024] = {0}; bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); fd = inotify_init(); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_init failed\n"); return NULL; } //wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/test", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/tengswitch", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/test", IN_MODIFY); wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/etc", IN_MODIFY); inotify_add_watch(fd, "/etc/profile.d", IN_MODIFY); inotify_add_watch(fd, "/etc/rc.d/init.d", IN_MODIFY); //inotify_add_watch(fd, "/etc/rc.local", IN_MODIFY); if (wd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_add_watch %s failed\n", "/etc"); return NULL; } buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; while ((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { nread = 0; while (len > 0) { event = (struct inotify_event *)&buf[nread]; for (i = 0; imask >> i) & 1) { if (event->len > 0) { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); //fprintf(stdout, "%s --- %s\n", event->name, event_str[i]); stfilestate.uiType = 3; stpcpy(stfilestate.szIp,pcip); // stpcpy(stfilestate.szPath,"/home/czl/test"); gettimeofday(&stfilestate.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(stfilestate.szFileName,event->name); if (stfilestate.szFileName[0] != '.') { zmq_send(sock, &stfilestate, sizeof(stFileState), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("modify event happend\n"); printf("file changed \n type is %d\n ip is %s\n filename is %s\n ",stfilestate.uiType,stfilestate.szIp,stfilestate.szFileName); } // printf("mestype5 recv is %s\n",szmsg); } } } nread = nread + sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; len = len - sizeof(struct inotify_event) - event->len; } } return 0; } void *monitorfilenum(void *arg) { int fd,wd,len,nread,i; char buf[BUFSIZ],num[10]; struct inotify_event *event; stFileNum stfilenum; FILE* fp = NULL; // if (argc < 2) // { // fprintf(stderr, "%s path\n", argv[0]); // return -1; //} char *pcip; pcip = (char *)arg; const char *ip = ""; int port = 7002; void * ctx = zmq_ctx_new(); fb_assert(ctx, "create zmq context faild"); void *sock = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ); fb_assert(sock, "create zmq socket faild"); char szaddr[128] = {0}; snprintf(szaddr, sizeof(szaddr), "tcp://%s:%d", ip, port); {//加密相关代码 char szmsg[1024] = {0}; //此密钥为服务端产生的公钥 strcpy(szmsg, "p=lDOa9WKUKz!I9{G)uPX4@&CrV-(>tDg:kaSGzE"); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, szmsg, strlen(szmsg)); char szpubkey[64] = {0}; char szprikey[64] = {0}; zmq_curve_keypair(szpubkey, szprikey); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, szpubkey, strlen(szpubkey)); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, szprikey, strlen(szprikey)); } zmq_connect(sock, szaddr); int count = 0; char szmsg[1024] = {0}; bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); fd = inotify_init(); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_init failed\n"); return NULL; } wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/usr/local/sbin", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/tengswitch", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/test", IN_MODIFY); if (wd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_add_watch %s failed\n", "/usr/local/sbin"); return NULL; } buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; while ((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { nread = 0; while (len > 0) { event = (struct inotify_event *)&buf[nread]; for (i = 0; imask >> i) & 1) { if (event->len > 0) //fprintf(stdout, "%s --- %s\n", event->name, event_str[i]); { stpcpy(stfilenum.szFileName,event->name); if (stfilenum.szFileName[0] != '.') { printf("num in test event happened \n"); bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); stfilenum.uiType = 4; stpcpy(stfilenum.szIp,pcip); stpcpy(stfilenum.szPath,"/usr/local/sbin"); gettimeofday(&stfilenum.stRcvTime,NULL); // system("ls -l /home/czl/test |grep '^-' |wc -l > /home/czl/tengswitch/filenum.txt"); // a = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/filenum.txt","r"); // if(a == NULL) // { // printf("

open file:filenum.txt error

"); // exit(0); // } if(NULL==( fp = popen("ls -l /usr/local/sbin |grep '^-' |wc -l ","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return NULL; } fscanf(fp,"%s",num); //printf("filenum charged is %s\n",num); stfilenum.uiFileNum = atoi(num); fclose(fp); printf("type 4 root file num changed\n type is %d\n ip is %s\n path is %s\n filename is %s\n file num is %d\n\n\n\n",stfilenum.uiType,stfilenum.szIp,stfilenum.szPath,stfilenum.szFileName,stfilenum.uiFileNum); zmq_send(sock, &stfilenum, sizeof(stFileNum), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("tpye num recv is %s\n",szmsg); } } //else //fprintf(stdout, "%s --- %s\n", " ", event_str[i]); } } nread = nread + sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; len = len - sizeof(struct inotify_event) - event->len; } } return 0; } void *monitorhomenum(void *arg) { int fd,wd,len,nread,i; char buf[BUFSIZ],num[10]; struct inotify_event *event; stFileNum stfilenum; FILE* fp = NULL; // if (argc < 2) // { // fprintf(stderr, "%s path\n", argv[0]); // return -1; //} char *pcip; pcip = (char *)arg; const char *ip = ""; int port = 7002; void * ctx = zmq_ctx_new(); fb_assert(ctx, "create zmq context faild"); void *sock = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ); fb_assert(sock, "create zmq socket faild"); char szaddr[128] = {0}; snprintf(szaddr, sizeof(szaddr), "tcp://%s:%d", ip, port); {//加密相关代码 char szmsg[1024] = {0}; //此密钥为服务端产生的公钥 strcpy(szmsg, "p=lDOa9WKUKz!I9{G)uPX4@&CrV-(>tDg:kaSGzE"); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, szmsg, strlen(szmsg)); char szpubkey[64] = {0}; char szprikey[64] = {0}; zmq_curve_keypair(szpubkey, szprikey); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, szpubkey, strlen(szpubkey)); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, szprikey, strlen(szprikey)); } zmq_connect(sock, szaddr); int count = 0; char szmsg[1024] = {0}; bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); fd = inotify_init(); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_init failed\n"); return NULL; } wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/tengswitch", IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO ); //wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/home/czl/test", IN_MODIFY); if (wd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "inotify_add_watch %s failed\n", "/home"); return NULL; } buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; while ((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { nread = 0; while (len > 0) { event = (struct inotify_event *)&buf[nread]; for (i = 0; imask >> i) & 1) { if (event->len > 0) //fprintf(stdout, "%s --- %s\n", event->name, event_str[i]); { stpcpy(stfilenum.szFileName,event->name); // system("ls -l /home/czl/test |grep '^-' |wc -l > /home/czl/tengswitch/filenum.txt"); // a = fopen("/home/czl/tengswitch/filenum.txt","r"); // if(a == NULL) // { // printf("

open file:filenum.txt error

"); // exit(0); // } if (stfilenum.szFileName[0] != '.') { printf("num in home event happened \n"); bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); stfilenum.uiType = 4; stpcpy(stfilenum.szIp,pcip); stpcpy(stfilenum.szPath,"/home"); gettimeofday(&stfilenum.stRcvTime,NULL); if(NULL==( fp = popen("ls -l /home |grep '^-' |wc -l ","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return NULL; } fscanf(fp,"%s",num); //printf("filenum charged is %s\n",num); stfilenum.uiFileNum = atoi(num); fclose(fp); printf("type 4 home file num changed\n type is %d\n ip is %s\n path is %s\n filename is %s\n file num is %d\n\n\n\n",stfilenum.uiType,stfilenum.szIp,stfilenum.szPath,stfilenum.szFileName,stfilenum.uiFileNum); zmq_send(sock, &stfilenum, sizeof(stFileNum), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("tpye num recv is %s\n",szmsg); } } //else //fprintf(stdout, "%s --- %s\n", " ", event_str[i]); } } nread = nread + sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; len = len - sizeof(struct inotify_event) - event->len; } } return 0; } int reportpathnum() { FILE *fd = NULL,*fp = NULL; char path[1024]="\0",b[10][128],i=0,j,num[128],cmd[128] = "\0"; unsigned int filenum = 0,allnum = 0,pathnum = 0; if(NULL==(fd = popen("echo $PATH","r"))) { fprintf(stdout,"execute command failed: "); return 0; } if (NULL == fgets(path,sizeof(path),fd)) return 0; fclose(fd); printf("date in path is %s\n",path); pathnum = strlen(path); path[pathnum-1] = '\0'; char* token = strtok(path,":"); while(token != NULL) { strcpy(b[i++],token); token = strtok(NULL,":"); if( i == 9 ) break; } for(j=0;jopen file: /etc/nos_monitor_conf.ini error

"); return 0; } // fscanf(fp,"%s %s %s %s",pcip,task_name,cmanager,manprocess); fgets(pcip, sizeof(pcip), fp); // while(1) // { // printf("\n length of pcip is %d \n",strlen(pcip)); iplen = strlen(pcip); pcip[iplen-1]='\0'; // printf("\n ip get is %s \n",pcip); // sleep(1); // } fgets(task_name, sizeof(task_name), fp); tasklen = strlen(task_name); //printf("\n tasklen get is %d \n",tasklen); task_name[tasklen-1]='\0'; // printf("\n task_name get is %s \n",task_name); fgets(cmanager, sizeof(cmanager), fp); cmlen = strlen(cmanager); // printf("\n cmlen get is %d \n",cmlen); cmanager[cmlen-1]='\0'; //printf("\n cmanager get is %s \n",cmanager); fgets(manprocess, sizeof(manprocess), fp); manlen = strlen(manprocess); // printf("\n manlen get is %d \n",manlen); manprocess[manlen-1] = '\0'; // printf("\n manprocess get is %s \n",manprocess); fclose(fp); pthread_t history_cmd,filecharge,filenumcharge,homenumcharge; Msgreport mesgreport; stProcessState processstate; stFileNum pathreport; stLogMsg syslogreport,commendlog; //syslogreport = (stLogMsg*)malloc(sizeof(stLogMsg)+1); memset(&syslogreport,0, sizeof(stLogMsg)); void * ctx = zmq_ctx_new(); fb_assert(ctx, "create zmq context faild"); void *sock = zmq_socket(ctx, ZMQ_REQ); fb_assert(sock, "create zmq socket faild"); char szaddr[128] = "\0"; snprintf(szaddr, sizeof(szaddr), "tcp://%s:%d", ip, port); {//加密相关代码 char szmsg[1024] = {0}; //此密钥为服务端产生的公钥 strcpy(szmsg, "p=lDOa9WKUKz!I9{G)uPX4@&CrV-(>tDg:kaSGzE"); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, szmsg, strlen(szmsg)); char szpubkey[64] = {0}; char szprikey[64] = {0}; zmq_curve_keypair(szpubkey, szprikey); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, szpubkey, strlen(szpubkey)); zmq_setsockopt(sock, ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, szprikey, strlen(szprikey)); } zmq_connect(sock, szaddr); int count = 0; char szmsg[1024] = {0}; bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); // getchar(); // sleep(1); err = pthread_create(&history_cmd, NULL, get_historycmd, (void *)&pcip); //printf("have come here"); err1 = pthread_create(&filecharge, NULL, monitorfile, (void *)&pcip); err2 = pthread_create(&filenumcharge, NULL, monitorfilenum, (void *)&pcip); err3 = pthread_create(&homenumcharge, NULL, monitorhomenum, (void *)&pcip); int memory_have = 0; CPU_OCCUPY cpu_stst1; CPU_OCCUPY cpu_stst2; int cpu; while(1) { char szmsg[1024] = {0}; bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); // snprintf(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg), "I say %d", ++count); // fb_debug("send msg : [%s]", szmsg); // zmq_send(sock, szmsg, strlen(szmsg), 0); // zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1, 0); // fb_debug("recv msg : [%s]", szmsg); get_cpuoccupy((CPU_OCCUPY *)&cpu_stst1); sleep(1); get_cpuoccupy((CPU_OCCUPY *)&cpu_stst2); cpu = cal_cpuoccupy((CPU_OCCUPY *)&cpu_stst1,(CPU_OCCUPY *)&cpu_stst2); memory_have = 100*get_memoccupy(); // printf("1cpu usage:%.2f\%\n mem usage:%.2f\%\n",cpu,memory_have); mesgreport.uiType = 1; mesgreport.uiCpuRate = 100*cpu; mesgreport.uiMemRate = memory_have; stpcpy(mesgreport.szip,pcip); //printf("2cpu usage:%.2f\%\n mem usage:%.2f\%\n",mesgreport.uiCpuRate,mesgreport.uiMemRate); //printf("szip is:%s\n",mesgreport.szip); mesgreport.uiCronNum = uiCronNum(); tcpnum = processnum_tcp(); //tcpnum = 10; pronum = processnum(); mesgreport.uiTcpEstablishNum = tcpnum; mesgreport.uiRunningProcessNum = pronum; //printf("tcp and process is :%d and %d\n",tcpnum,pronum); // judgecommend(); // judgelogin(); get_md5passwd(md5passwd); //printf("test PasswdMd5 is :%s\n",md5passwd); // strcpy(mesgreport.szPasswdMd5,md5passwd); memcpy(mesgreport.szPasswdMd5,md5passwd,strlen(md5passwd)); //md5group = get_md5group(); get_md5group(md5group); memcpy(mesgreport.szGroupMd5,md5group,strlen(md5group)); gettimeofday(&mesgreport.stRcvTime,NULL); zmq_send(sock, &mesgreport, sizeof(mesgreport), 0); // printf("have send success \n"); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT); // printf("have recv success \n"); // printf("mestype1 recv is %s\n",szmsg); // printf("Type1 send ip is %s\n passmd5 is %s\n groupmd5 is %s\n cpurate is %d\n memrate is %d\n\n\n\n",mesgreport.szip,mesgreport.szPasswdMd5,mesgreport.szGroupMd5,mesgreport.uiCpuRate,mesgreport.uiMemRate); pid = 0 ; getPidByName(&pid, task_name); //printf("pid of monitsys is %d",pid); if (pid > 0) cpumemstate1 = 1; else { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); processstate.uiType = 2; stpcpy(processstate.szIp,pcip); gettimeofday(&processstate.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(processstate.uiProcessname,task_name); processstate.uiProcessState = 0; zmq_send(sock, &processstate, sizeof(processstate), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("type 2 send ip is %s\n Type is %d\n processname is %s\n processstate is %d\n\n\n\n",processstate.szIp,processstate.uiType,processstate.uiProcessname,processstate.uiProcessState); sleep(1); } cmpid = 0; getPidByName(&cmpid, cmanager); printf("pid of top is %d\n\n",cmpid); if (cmpid > 0) cmstate1 = 1; else{ bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); processstate.uiType = 2; stpcpy(processstate.szIp,pcip); gettimeofday(&processstate.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(processstate.uiProcessname,cmanager); processstate.uiProcessState = 0; zmq_send(sock, &processstate, sizeof(processstate), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); // printf("mestype2 recv is %s\n",szmsg); printf("type 2 send ip is %s\n Type is %d\n processname is %s\n processstate is %d\n\n\n",processstate.szIp,processstate.uiType,processstate.uiProcessname,processstate.uiProcessState); sleep(1); } manpropid = 0; getPidByName(&manpropid, manprocess); if (manpropid > 0) manpstate1 = 1; else { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); processstate.uiType = 2; stpcpy(processstate.szIp,pcip); gettimeofday(&processstate.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(processstate.uiProcessname,manprocess); processstate.uiProcessState = 0; zmq_send(sock, &processstate, sizeof(processstate),0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1, ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("type 2 send ip is %s\n Type is %d\n processname is %s\n processstate is %d\n\n\n",processstate.szIp,processstate.uiType,processstate.uiProcessname,processstate.uiProcessState); sleep(1); } firestate1 = firewallcharge(); if (firestate1 == 1) { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); processstate.uiType = 2; stpcpy(processstate.szIp,pcip); gettimeofday(&processstate.stRcvTime,NULL); stpcpy(processstate.uiProcessname,"firewall"); processstate.uiProcessState = 0; zmq_send(sock, &processstate, sizeof(processstate), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); printf("type 2 send ip is %s\n Type is %d\n processname is %s\n processstate is %d\n\n\n",processstate.szIp,processstate.uiType,processstate.uiProcessname,processstate.uiProcessState); sleep(1); } newloginnum = judgeiflogin(); // printf("newloginnum is %d\n",newloginnum); if (newloginnum != lastloginnum) { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); syslogreport = judgelogin(pcip); // printf("log before send struct is %s \n",&commendlog.szMsg[0]); zmq_send(sock, &syslogreport, sizeof(stLogMsg), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); // printf("mestype5 recv is %s\n",szmsg); lastloginnum = newloginnum; // printf("msg login type is %d\nip is %s\nfilename is %s\n ",syslogreport.uiType,syslogreport.szIp,syslogreport.szLogFile); // printf("szMsg0 is %s\n",syslogreport.szMsg[0]); // printf("szMsg1 is %s\n",syslogreport.szMsg[1]); // printf("szMsg2 is %s\n",syslogreport.szMsg[2]); // printf("szMsg3 is %s\n",syslogreport.szMsg[3]); // printf("szMsg4 is %s\n",syslogreport.szMsg[4]); } newpathnum = reportpathnum(); if (newpathnum != lastpathnum) { bzero(szmsg, sizeof(szmsg)); pathreport.uiType = 4; stpcpy(pathreport.szIp,pcip); stpcpy(pathreport.szPath,"path"); gettimeofday(&pathreport.stRcvTime,NULL); pathreport.uiFileNum = newpathnum; zmq_send(sock, &pathreport, sizeof(pathreport), 0); zmq_recv(sock, szmsg, sizeof(szmsg) - 1,ZMQ_DONTWAIT); lastpathnum = newpathnum; printf("\n\npath receive is %s\n\n",szmsg); } } zmq_close(sock); zmq_ctx_term(ctx); zmq_ctx_destroy(ctx); return 0; }