// rvref.cpp -- simple uses of rvalue references #include inline double f(double tf) {return 5.0*(tf-32.0)/9.0;}; int main() { using namespace std; double tc = 21.5; double && rd1 = 7.07; double && rd2 = 1.8 * tc + 32.0; double && rd3 = f(rd2); cout << " tc value and address: " << tc <<", " << &tc << endl; cout << "rd1 value and address: " << rd1 <<", " << &rd1 << endl; cout << "rd2 value and address: " << rd2 <<", " << &rd2 << endl; cout << "rd3 value and address: " << rd3 <<", " << &rd3 << endl; // cin.get(); return 0; }