/***************************************************************************** * @Author : Songsk * @Date : 2020-07-17 00:02:36 * @LastEditors : songshuaikang@comleader.com.cn * @LastEditTime : 2020-07-20 23:17:04 * @Description : file content *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ACTIVE_NUM_NUM 3 #define UNSIGNED_INT_LEN 32 #define MAX_PADDING_SIZE 128 #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char #define _ENCRYPT(a,b,c) (a=(b^c)) #define _DECRYPT _ENCRYPT #define _CHECKSUM(_checksum, _cipher, _key, _len)\ {\ uint _m_i = 0;\ uint sum = 0;\ for(_m_i=0; _m_i< _len; _m_i++)\ sum = sum + (0xffffffff & _cipher[_m_i]) + (0xffffffff & _key[_m_i]);\ _checksum = 0xff - (0xff & (sum)) - ((sum) >> 8);\ } #define ENCRYPT_FUNC(_cipher, _plain, _key, _len)\ {\ int _m_i = 0;\ for(_m_i=0; _m_i< _len; _m_i++)\ _ENCRYPT(_cipher[_m_i], _plain[_m_i], _key[_m_i]);\ } #define DECRYPT_FUNC(_plain, _cipher, _key, _len)\ {\ int _m_i = 0;\ for(_m_i=0; _m_i< _len; _m_i++)\ _DECRYPT( _plain[_m_i],_cipher[_m_i], _key[_m_i]);\ } static unsigned int seed = 0; #define SNAP_LEN 65536 #define INTERFACE_STR "eth0" #define SHD_PRIVATE_PROTOCOL_H 0x09 #define HexPrint(_buf, _len) \ {\ int _m_i = 0;\ char *_m_buf = (char *)(_buf);\ int _m_len = (int)(_len);\ printf("[%s:%d] \r\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\ printf("***************************************************\n");\ for(_m_i = 0; _m_i < _m_len; _m_i++)\ {\ if(_m_i == 0) printf("\033[31m%02x \033[0m",_m_i);\ printf("\033[32m%02x \033[0m", _m_buf[_m_i] & 0xff);\ if(!((_m_i+1) % 16)) printf("\n\033[31m%02x \033[0m",_m_i);\ }\ printf("\nsize = %d\n***************************************************\n", _m_len);\ } typedef struct frame_head_t { uchar dmac[6]; uchar smac[6]; uchar dot1q[4]; uchar protocol[2]; uchar padding; uchar len; }FRAME_HEAD_T; typedef struct msg_to_proxy_t { uchar master_nos = 1; uchar active_nos[3]; }MSG_TO_PROXY_T; typedef struct timeval TS_TO_PROXY_T; typedef enum shd_action_type_e { ACTION_TELL_ACTIVE_NOS =1, ACTION_SEND_TIMESTAMP, ACTINON_MAX }SHD_ACTION; typedef enum shd_private_protocol_code_low_e { PROTOCOL_TELL_ACTIVE_NOS = 0x88, PROTOCOL_SEND_TIMESTAMP, PROTOCOL_MAX }SHD_PROTOCOL; /** * @description: 发送数据包,发送的网卡在宏定义中指定 * @param {pkt:数据包内容,包含包头与payload; len:数据包长度} * @return: 0:success */ int send_packet_with_pcap(const uchar *pkt, uint len) { static pcap_t *handle = NULL; char dev_str[64]; char err_buf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; strcpy(dev_str, INTERFACE_STR); if(NULL == handle) { handle = pcap_open_live(dev_str, SNAP_LEN, 1, 1000, err_buf); if (handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open device %s: %s\n", dev_str, err_buf); return 0; } } return pcap_sendpacket(handle, pkt, len); } /** * @description: 随机函数,原子操作,提供一个字节的随机值 * @param void * @return: unsigned char */ uchar _random(void) { seed += (unsigned int)time(0) + 781; srand(seed); uchar temp = (uchar)(rand()%256); return temp; } uint fill_with_random(uchar* buf , uint len) { for(int i = 0; i< len; i++) *(buf+i) =(_random()); return len; } void print_buffer_hex(const char * text, uchar * buf, uint len) { printf("%s\n", text); // for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) // { // printf("%2X ",buf[i]); // if(i != 0 && i % 16 == 0) // printf("\n"); // } HexPrint(buf, len); printf("\n"); } int is_unicast_macaddr(uchar * mac) { if(mac[0] & 1) return 1; return 0; } int make_frame_up(const int type, uchar *frame, uchar * ciphertext, uchar * key, uint len, uint frame_len) { //int p = 0; /*fill buffer with random value*/ fill_with_random(frame, frame_len); /*create a frame header, include Ehthernet header | vlan header | protocol code */ FRAME_HEAD_T frame_head; do { printf("."); fill_with_random(frame_head.smac, sizeof(frame_head.smac)); } while (is_unicast_macaddr(frame_head.smac)); printf("\nfill smac\n"); do { printf("."); fill_with_random(frame_head.dmac, sizeof(frame_head.dmac)); } while (is_unicast_macaddr(frame_head.dmac)); printf("\nfill dmac\n"); frame_head.dot1q[0] = 0x81; frame_head.dot1q[1] = 0x00; frame_head.dot1q[2] = 0x07; frame_head.dot1q[3] = 0xd0; frame_head.protocol[0] = 0x08; //frame_head.protocol[1] = 0x06; (ACTION_TELL_ACTIVE_NOS == type) ? frame_head.protocol[1] = PROTOCOL_TELL_ACTIVE_NOS : frame_head.protocol[1] = PROTOCOL_SEND_TIMESTAMP; /*get a padding*/ uchar padding = 0; while(1) { srand(time(NULL)); int a = sizeof(FRAME_HEAD_T) + len * 2 + 1; printf("a is %d, frame_len is %d\n", a, frame_len); padding = (uchar)rand()%(frame_len - sizeof(FRAME_HEAD_T) - len * 2 - 1) + sizeof(FRAME_HEAD_T); if(padding + len * 2 > frame_len) continue; frame_head.padding = padding; printf("padding is 0x%x\n", padding); frame_head.len = len; break; } /*copy frame header and payload into buffer*/ memcpy(frame, &frame_head, sizeof(frame_head)); memcpy(frame + padding, ciphertext, len); memcpy(frame + padding + len, key, len); char checksum=0; _CHECKSUM(checksum, ciphertext, key, len); print_buffer_hex("计算校验和:", (unsigned char *)&checksum,sizeof(checksum)); memcpy(frame + padding + len + len, &checksum, 1); /*send packet finally*/ print_buffer_hex("产生报文:", frame,frame_len); return send_packet_with_pcap(frame, frame_len); } int shd_send_cmd_to_proxy(MSG_TO_PROXY_T * msg) { int ret = 0; uchar key[sizeof(MSG_TO_PROXY_T)]; uchar ciphertext[sizeof(MSG_TO_PROXY_T)]; /*get plaintext*/ uchar plaintext[sizeof(MSG_TO_PROXY_T)]; memcpy(plaintext, msg, sizeof(MSG_TO_PROXY_T)); print_buffer_hex("产生明文:", plaintext, sizeof(plaintext)); /*create a key with random num*/ ret = fill_with_random(key, sizeof(key)); print_buffer_hex("产生掩码:", key, sizeof(key)); /*incrypt*/ ENCRYPT_FUNC(ciphertext, plaintext, key,sizeof(MSG_TO_PROXY_T)); print_buffer_hex("计算密文:", ciphertext, sizeof(ciphertext)); /*create and send frame*/ srand(seed); uint frame_len = sizeof(FRAME_HEAD_T) //以太网帧头 + sizeof(MSG_TO_PROXY_T) * 2 //信息量长度 + 1 + 10 + rand()%MAX_PADDING_SIZE; //padding长度 uchar * frame = (uchar*)malloc(frame_len); ret = make_frame_up(ACTION_TELL_ACTIVE_NOS ,frame, ciphertext, key, sizeof(key), frame_len); if(ret) { printf("send packet error\n"); free(frame); return -1; } free(frame); return 0; } int shd_send_timestamp_to_nos() { int ret = 0; uchar key[sizeof(TS_TO_PROXY_T)]; uchar ciphertext[sizeof(TS_TO_PROXY_T)]; uchar plaintext[sizeof(TS_TO_PROXY_T)]; TS_TO_PROXY_T time; gettimeofday(&time,NULL); memcpy(plaintext, &time, sizeof(TS_TO_PROXY_T)); print_buffer_hex("产生明文:", plaintext, sizeof(plaintext)); ret = fill_with_random(key, sizeof(key)); print_buffer_hex("产生掩码:", key, sizeof(key)); ENCRYPT_FUNC(ciphertext, plaintext, key,sizeof(TS_TO_PROXY_T)); print_buffer_hex("计算密文:", ciphertext, sizeof(ciphertext)); srand(seed); int a = rand(); printf("seed is %x, rand is %d, MAX_PADDING_SIZE is %d\n", seed, a, MAX_PADDING_SIZE); uint frame_len = sizeof(FRAME_HEAD_T) //以太网帧头 + sizeof(TS_TO_PROXY_T) * 2 //信息量长度 + 1 + 10 + a % MAX_PADDING_SIZE; //padding长度 printf("frame_len is %u\n", frame_len); uchar * frame = (uchar*)malloc(frame_len); if(NULL == frame) { printf("malloc error!!\n"); }else { printf("frame addr is %x\n", frame); } ret = make_frame_up(ACTION_SEND_TIMESTAMP,frame, ciphertext, key, sizeof(key), frame_len); if(ret) { printf("send packet error\n"); free(frame); return -1; } free(frame); return 0; } int main() { int ret = 0; while(1) { #if 0 #else MSG_TO_PROXY_T msg; msg.master_nos = 1; msg.active_nos[0] = 1; msg.active_nos[1] = 2; msg.active_nos[2] = 3; ret = shd_send_cmd_to_proxy(&msg); if(ret) { printf("cmd send error\n"); return -1; } ret = shd_send_timestamp_to_nos(); if(ret) { printf("cmd send error\n"); return -1; } #endif // usleep(5000); getchar(); } return 0; }