// addpntrs.cpp -- pointer addition #include int main() { using namespace std; double wages[3] = {10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0}; short stacks[3] = {3, 2, 1}; // Here are two ways to get the address of an array double * pw = wages; // name of an array = address short * ps = &stacks[0]; // or use address operator // with array element cout << "pw = " << pw << ", *pw = " << *pw << endl; pw = pw + 1; cout << "add 1 to the pw pointer:\n"; cout << "pw = " << pw << ", *pw = " << *pw << "\n\n"; cout << "ps = " << ps << ", *ps = " << *ps << endl; ps = ps + 1; cout << "add 1 to the ps pointer:\n"; cout << "ps = " << ps << ", *ps = " << *ps << "\n\n"; cout << "access two elements with array notation\n"; cout << "stacks[0] = " << stacks[0] << ", stacks[1] = " << stacks[1] << endl; cout << "access two elements with pointer notation\n"; cout << "*stacks = " << *stacks << ", *(stacks + 1) = " << *(stacks + 1) << endl; cout << sizeof(wages) << " = size of wages array\n"; cout << sizeof(pw) << " = size of pw pointer\n"; // cin.get(); return 0; }