PracticeDev/study_cpp/cpp_primer_source_code/Chapter 6/more_and.cpp

32 lines
744 B

// more_and.cpp -- using the logical AND operator
#include <iostream>
const char * qualify[4] = // an array of pointers*/
{ // to strings
"10,000-meter race.\n",
"mud tug-of-war.\n",
"masters canoe jousting.\n",
"pie-throwing festival.\n"
int main()
using namespace std;
int age;
cout << "Enter your age in years: ";
cin >> age;
int index;
if (age > 17 && age < 35)
index = 0;
else if (age >= 35 && age < 50)
index = 1;
else if (age >= 50 && age < 65)
index = 2;
index = 3;
cout << "You qualify for the " << qualify[index];
// cin.get();
// cin.get();
return 0;