- Deleted the `add_jquery.js` file as jQuery is no longer needed.
- Removed references to Bootstrap from the Gemfile and package.json.
- Updated the application layout to reflect the removal of Bootstrap styles.
- Adjusted the paginator HTML to use a class that aligns with the new styling.
These changes streamline the asset pipeline by eliminating unused libraries,
which can improve load times and reduce potential security vulnerabilities.
The application now relies on alternative styling and JavaScript solutions.
- Upgrade thruster gem to version 0.1.10
- Set SMTP user credentials for sending emails
- Adjust test to verify only activated users are displayed
These updates improve email handling and ensure that the application
uses the latest version of the thruster gem, while also refining
the user index test to accurately reflect the activated state.
- Implement AccountActivationsController for activation logic
- Create UserMailer for sending activation emails
- Update SessionsController to handle unactivated users
- Modify UsersController to restrict access to activated users
- Add activation fields to User model and database migration
- Create views for account activation emails
- Add tests for account activation functionality
- Implement user destroy action in UsersController
- Add admin check for user deletion
- Update user view to include delete link for admins
- Add migration to add admin attribute to users
- Update tests to cover new admin functionality
This commit introduces the ability for admin users to delete
other users from the system. It includes necessary checks to
ensure that only admins can perform this action, along with
updates to the user interface and tests to validate the
new behavior.
- Integrate Kaminari for pagination of users
- Update users_controller to paginate users
- Add pagination views for first, last, next, and previous pages
- Seed database with example users for testing
This commit introduces pagination to the user index view, allowing
for better navigation through large sets of users. The Kaminari gem
is utilized to handle pagination, improving the user experience by
reducing load times and enhancing usability. Additionally, the
seeding script has been updated to create multiple users for
better testing of the pagination feature.