- Implement users index action in UsersController
- Create view for displaying all users with gravatar
- Update header to link to users index
- Add styles for user list display
This commit introduces a new feature that allows logged-in users to
view a list of all registered users. It includes necessary
controller actions, view templates, and styling to improve the
user interface.
- Implement user creation in UsersController
- Add user registration form in new.html.erb
- Create error messages partial for form validation
- Add gravatar helper for user profile
- Update routes to include resources for users
- Introduce integration tests for signup validation
This commit establishes the foundation for user registration, allowing users to sign up with their details and providing feedback on form errors. It enhances the user experience by integrating visual elements like gravatars and error messages.
- Add User model with validations for name and email
- Implement UsersController with new action for signup
- Create views for user signup and home page
- Update routes to include signup path
- Add bcrypt gem for password security
- Include tests for user model and controller actions
This commit establishes the foundation for user registration in the application, ensuring proper validation and security measures are in place. It also enhances the user experience by providing a dedicated signup page.