Compare commits


No commits in common. "dependabot/bundler/solid_cache-1.0.7" and "main" have entirely different histories.

View File

@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ GEM
regexp_parser (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
xpath (~> 3.2)
coderay (1.1.3)
concurrent-ruby (1.3.5)
connection_pool (2.5.0)
concurrent-ruby (1.3.4)
connection_pool (2.4.1)
crass (1.0.6)
date (3.4.1)
debug (1.10.0)
@ -139,15 +139,14 @@ GEM
pry (>= 0.13.0)
shellany (~> 0.0)
thor (>= 0.18.1)
i18n (1.14.7)
i18n (1.14.6)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
importmap-rails (2.1.0)
actionpack (>= 6.0.0)
activesupport (>= 6.0.0)
railties (>= 6.0.0)
io-console (0.8.0)
irb (1.15.1)
pp (>= 0.6.0)
irb (1.14.3)
rdoc (>= 4.0.0)
reline (>= 0.4.2)
jbuilder (2.13.0)
@ -183,8 +182,8 @@ GEM
listen (3.9.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
logger (1.6.5)
loofah (2.24.0)
logger (1.6.4)
loofah (2.23.1)
crass (~> 1.0.2)
nokogiri (>= 1.12.0)
lumberjack (1.2.10)
@ -220,21 +219,21 @@ GEM
net-ssh (7.3.0)
nio4r (2.7.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-aarch64-linux-gnu)
nokogiri (1.18.1-aarch64-linux-gnu)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-aarch64-linux-musl)
nokogiri (1.18.1-aarch64-linux-musl)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-arm-linux-gnu)
nokogiri (1.18.1-arm-linux-gnu)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-arm-linux-musl)
nokogiri (1.18.1-arm-linux-musl)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-arm64-darwin)
nokogiri (1.18.1-arm64-darwin)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-x86_64-darwin)
nokogiri (1.18.1-x86_64-darwin)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-x86_64-linux-gnu)
nokogiri (1.18.1-x86_64-linux-gnu)
racc (~> 1.4)
nokogiri (1.18.2-x86_64-linux-musl)
nokogiri (1.18.1-x86_64-linux-musl)
racc (~> 1.4)
notiffany (0.1.3)
nenv (~> 0.1)
@ -245,9 +244,6 @@ GEM
ast (~> 2.4.1)
pg (1.5.9)
pp (0.6.2)
prettyprint (0.2.0)
propshaft (1.1.0)
actionpack (>= 7.0.0)
activesupport (>= 7.0.0)
@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ GEM
pry (0.15.2)
coderay (~> 1.1)
method_source (~> 1.0)
psych (5.2.3)
psych (5.2.2)
public_suffix (6.0.1)
@ -264,14 +260,14 @@ GEM
nio4r (~> 2.0)
raabro (1.4.0)
racc (1.8.1)
rack (3.1.9)
rack-session (2.1.0)
base64 (>= 0.1.0)
rack (>= 3.0.0)
rack (2.2.10)
rack-session (1.0.2)
rack (< 3)
rack-test (2.2.0)
rack (>= 1.3)
rackup (2.2.1)
rack (>= 3)
rackup (1.0.1)
rack (< 3)
rails (8.0.1)
actioncable (= 8.0.1)
actionmailbox (= 8.0.1)
@ -310,7 +306,7 @@ GEM
rb-fsevent (0.11.2)
rb-inotify (0.11.1)
ffi (~> 1.0)
rdoc (6.12.0)
rdoc (6.10.0)
psych (>= 4.0.0)
regexp_parser (2.10.0)
reline (0.6.0)
@ -359,7 +355,7 @@ GEM
activejob (>= 7.2)
activerecord (>= 7.2)
railties (>= 7.2)
solid_cache (1.0.7)
solid_cache (1.0.6)
activejob (>= 7.2)
activerecord (>= 7.2)
railties (>= 7.2)
@ -417,6 +413,7 @@ GEM
activemodel (>= 6.0.0)
bindex (>= 0.4.0)
railties (>= 6.0.0)
webrick (1.9.1)
websocket (1.2.11)
websocket-driver (0.7.6)
websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0)