- Update session creation to use safe navigation operator - Implement log_out method in SessionsHelper - Add session reset and login on user creation - Improve user login tests for better coverage These changes improve the user session management by ensuring that the session is handled more safely and efficiently. The addition of the log_out method centralizes session termination, while the updated tests ensure that both login and logout functionality are thoroughly validated.
18 lines
665 B
18 lines
665 B
class User < ApplicationRecord
# before_save { self.email = email.downcase }
before_save { email.downcase! }
validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z\d\-]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i
validates :email, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 },
format: { with: VALID_EMAIL_REGEX },
uniqueness: true
validates :password, presence: true, length: { minimum: 6 }
def User.digest(string)
cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ? BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST :
BCrypt::Password.create(string, cost: cost)