diff --git a/config/initializers/locale.rb b/config/initializers/locale.rb
index 5138b08..24e8b60 100644
--- a/config/initializers/locale.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/locale.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ require "i18n/backend/fallbacks"
I18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join("config", "locales", "*.{rb,yml}")]
# Permitted locales available for the application
-I18n.available_locales = [ :en, :"zh-CN", :ja, :ko ]
+I18n.available_locales = [ :en, :"zh-CN", :ja, :ko, :"pt-BR", :hr, :fa, :de, :es, :fr, :it, :tr, :ru, :uk, :pl ]
I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)
# I18n::Backend::Simple.include I18n::Backend::Fallbacks
diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cbca1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/de.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Hallo Welt"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Städte"
+ arts: "Kunst"
+ sign_in: "Anmelden"
+ sign_out: "Abmelden"
+ settings: "Einstellungen"
+ admin_dashboard: "Admin-Dashboard"
+ latest_weather_art: "Neueste Wetterkunst"
+ popular_weather_art: "Beliebte Wetterkunst"
+ ai_prompt: "KI-Prompt"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Neuestes von"
+ search_cities: "Städte suchen..."
+ all_regions: "Alle Regionen"
+ all_countries: "Alle Länder"
+ all_in: "Alles in"
+ showing: "Zeigt"
+ weather_arts: "Wetterkunst"
+ newest_first: "Neueste zuerst"
+ oldest_first: "Älteste zuerst"
+ cities:
+ title: "Städte erkunden"
+ arts:
+ title: "Wetterkunst-Galerie"
+ subtitle: "Entdecken Sie KI-generierte Wetterkunst aus Städten auf der ganzen Welt"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Wo Wetter auf
Künstliche Intelligenz trifft
+ subtitle:
+ Erleben Sie Wetter durch die Linse KI-generierter Kunst,
+ die eine neue Perspektive auf tägliche meteorologische Phänomene bietet.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Städte erkunden"
+ view_detail: "Details anzeigen"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Alle Wetterkunst anzeigen"
+ back_to_cities: "Zurück zu Städten"
+ back_to: "Zurück zu"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatur"
+ wind: "Wind"
+ humidity: "Luftfeuchtigkeit"
+ visibility: "Sichtweite"
+ pressure: "Luftdruck"
+ cloud_cover: "Bewölkung"
+ feel_like: "Gefühlt wie"
+ relative_humidity: "Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit"
+ clear_view_distance: "Klare Sichtweite"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Atmosphärischer Druck"
+ sky_coverage: "Himmelsbedeckung"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Zeigt %{from} bis %{to} von %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "Wetteraufzeichnungen"
+ default: "Einträge"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%d. %b"
+ long: "%d. %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index 7a177eb..0a0bfd6 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -32,7 +32,19 @@ en:
en: "English"
zh-CN: "简体中文"
ja: "日本語"
- ko: "한국어"
+ ko: "한국어" # 韩语
+ pt-BR: "Português (Brasil)" # 巴西葡萄牙语
+ pt: "Português" # 葡萄牙语
+ hr: "Hrvatski" # 克罗地亚语
+ fa: "فارسی" # 波斯语(法尔西语)
+ de: "Deutsch" # 德语
+ es: "Español" # 西班牙语
+ fr: "Français" # 法语
+ it: "Italiano" # 意大利语
+ tr: "Türkçe" # 土耳其语
+ ru: "Русский" # 俄语
+ uk: "Українська" # 乌克兰语
+ pl: "Polski" # 波兰语
hello: "Hello world"
name: "Today AI Weather"
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89afc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Hola mundo"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Ciudades"
+ arts: "Arte"
+ sign_in: "Iniciar sesión"
+ sign_out: "Cerrar sesión"
+ settings: "Configuración"
+ admin_dashboard: "Panel de administración"
+ latest_weather_art: "Último arte del tiempo"
+ popular_weather_art: "Arte del tiempo popular"
+ ai_prompt: "Prompt de IA"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Lo último de"
+ search_cities: "Buscar ciudades..."
+ all_regions: "Todas las regiones"
+ all_countries: "Todos los países"
+ all_in: "Todo en"
+ showing: "Mostrando"
+ weather_arts: "Arte del tiempo"
+ newest_first: "Más recientes primero"
+ oldest_first: "Más antiguos primero"
+ cities:
+ title: "Explorar ciudades"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galería de arte del tiempo"
+ subtitle: "Descubre arte generado por IA del tiempo de ciudades de todo el mundo"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Donde el tiempo se encuentra
con la Inteligencia Artificial
+ subtitle:
+ Experimenta el tiempo a través del lente del arte generado por IA,
+ brindando una nueva perspectiva a los fenómenos meteorológicos diarios.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Explorar ciudades"
+ view_detail: "Ver detalles"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Ver todo el arte del tiempo"
+ back_to_cities: "Volver a ciudades"
+ back_to: "Volver a"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatura"
+ wind: "Viento"
+ humidity: "Humedad"
+ visibility: "Visibilidad"
+ pressure: "Presión"
+ cloud_cover: "Cobertura de nubes"
+ feel_like: "Sensación térmica"
+ relative_humidity: "Humedad relativa"
+ clear_view_distance: "Distancia de visibilidad clara"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Presión atmosférica"
+ sky_coverage: "Cobertura del cielo"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Mostrando %{from} a %{to} de %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "registros meteorológicos"
+ default: "elementos"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/fa.yml b/config/locales/fa.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aff42cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/fa.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "سلام دنیا"
+ brand:
+ name: "هوای هوش مصنوعی امروز"
+ title:
+ cities: "شهرها"
+ arts: "هنرها"
+ sign_in: "ورود"
+ sign_out: "خروج"
+ settings: "تنظیمات"
+ admin_dashboard: "داشبورد مدیر"
+ latest_weather_art: "آخرین هنر آب و هوا"
+ popular_weather_art: "هنر آب و هوای محبوب"
+ ai_prompt: "پرامپت هوش مصنوعی"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "آخرین از"
+ search_cities: "جستجوی شهرها..."
+ all_regions: "همه مناطق"
+ all_countries: "همه کشورها"
+ all_in: "همه در"
+ showing: "نمایش"
+ weather_arts: "هنرهای آب و هوا"
+ newest_first: "جدیدترین اول"
+ oldest_first: "قدیمیترین اول"
+ cities:
+ title: "کاوش شهرها"
+ arts:
+ title: "گالری هنرهای آب و هوا"
+ subtitle: "کشف هنر آب و هوای تولید شده توسط هوش مصنوعی از شهرهای سراسر جهان"
+ home:
+ headline_html: جایی که آب و هوا با
هوش مصنوعی ملاقات میکند
+ subtitle:
+ تجربه آب و هوا از طریق لنز هنر تولید شده توسط هوش مصنوعی،
+ آوردن دیدگاهی جدید به پدیدههای هواشناسی روزانه.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "کاوش شهرها"
+ view_detail: "مشاهده جزئیات"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "مشاهده همه هنرهای آب و هوا"
+ back_to_cities: "بازگشت به شهرها"
+ back_to: "بازگشت به"
+ card:
+ temperature: "دما"
+ wind: "باد"
+ humidity: "رطوبت"
+ visibility: "دید"
+ pressure: "فشار"
+ cloud_cover: "پوشش ابر"
+ feel_like: "احساس مانند"
+ relative_humidity: "رطوبت نسبی"
+ clear_view_distance: "فاصله دید شفاف"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "فشار جو"
+ sky_coverage: "پوشش آسمان"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "نمایش %{from} تا %{to} از %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "رکوردهای آب و هوا"
+ default: "موارد"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa9dc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Bonjour le monde"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Villes"
+ arts: "Arts"
+ sign_in: "Se connecter"
+ sign_out: "Se déconnecter"
+ settings: "Paramètres"
+ admin_dashboard: "Tableau de bord administrateur"
+ latest_weather_art: "Derniers arts météorologiques"
+ popular_weather_art: "Arts météorologiques populaires"
+ ai_prompt: "Prompt IA"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Derniers de"
+ search_cities: "Rechercher des villes..."
+ all_regions: "Toutes les régions"
+ all_countries: "Tous les pays"
+ all_in: "Tout dans"
+ showing: "Affichage"
+ weather_arts: "Arts météorologiques"
+ newest_first: "Plus récents d'abord"
+ oldest_first: "Plus anciens d'abord"
+ cities:
+ title: "Explorer les villes"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galerie d'arts météorologiques"
+ subtitle: "Découvrez l'art météorologique généré par l'IA des villes du monde entier"
+ home:
+ headline_html: "Là où la météo rencontre
l'Intelligence Artificielle"
+ subtitle:
+ Découvrez la météo à travers le prisme de l'art généré par l'IA,
+ apportant une nouvelle perspective aux phénomènes météorologiques quotidiens.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Explorer les villes"
+ view_detail: "Voir les détails"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Voir tous les arts météorologiques"
+ back_to_cities: "Retour aux villes"
+ back_to: "Retour à"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Température"
+ wind: "Vent"
+ humidity: "Humidité"
+ visibility: "Visibilité"
+ pressure: "Pression"
+ cloud_cover: "Couverture nuageuse"
+ feel_like: "Ressenti"
+ relative_humidity: "Humidité relative"
+ clear_view_distance: "Distance de visibilité claire"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Pression atmosphérique"
+ sky_coverage: "Couverture du ciel"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Affichage de %{from} à %{to} sur %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "relevés météorologiques"
+ default: "éléments"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/hr.yml b/config/locales/hr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78e193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/hr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Pozdrav svijete"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Gradovi"
+ arts: "Umjetnost"
+ sign_in: "Prijava"
+ sign_out: "Odjava"
+ settings: "Postavke"
+ admin_dashboard: "Administratorska ploča"
+ latest_weather_art: "Najnovija vremenska umjetnost"
+ popular_weather_art: "Popularna vremenska umjetnost"
+ ai_prompt: "AI upit"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Najnovije od"
+ search_cities: "Pretraži gradove..."
+ all_regions: "Sve regije"
+ all_countries: "Sve države"
+ all_in: "Sve u"
+ showing: "Prikazuje se"
+ weather_arts: "Vremenska umjetnost"
+ newest_first: "Najnovije prvo"
+ oldest_first: "Najstarije prvo"
+ cities:
+ title: "Istražite gradove"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galerija vremenske umjetnosti"
+ subtitle: "Otkrijte umjetnost vremena generiranu AI-em iz gradova širom svijeta"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Gdje se vrijeme susreće
s umjetnom inteligencijom
+ subtitle:
+ Doživite vrijeme kroz objektiv umjetnosti generirane AI-em,
+ donoseći novu perspektivu svakodnevnim meteorološkim pojavama.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Istražite gradove"
+ view_detail: "Pogledaj detalje"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Pogledaj svu vremensku umjetnost"
+ back_to_cities: "Natrag na gradove"
+ back_to: "Natrag na"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatura"
+ wind: "Vjetar"
+ humidity: "Vlažnost"
+ visibility: "Vidljivost"
+ pressure: "Tlak"
+ cloud_cover: "Naoblaka"
+ feel_like: "Osjeća se kao"
+ relative_humidity: "Relativna vlažnost"
+ clear_view_distance: "Udaljenost čistog pogleda"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Atmosferski tlak"
+ sky_coverage: "Pokrivenost neba"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Prikazuje se %{from} do %{to} od %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "vremenskih zapisa"
+ default: "stavki"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d. %B %Y."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f9317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/it.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Ciao mondo"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Città"
+ arts: "Arte"
+ sign_in: "Accedi"
+ sign_out: "Esci"
+ settings: "Impostazioni"
+ admin_dashboard: "Dashboard Amministratore"
+ latest_weather_art: "Ultima Arte Meteorologica"
+ popular_weather_art: "Arte Meteorologica Popolare"
+ ai_prompt: "Prompt IA"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Ultimi da"
+ search_cities: "Cerca città..."
+ all_regions: "Tutte le Regioni"
+ all_countries: "Tutti i Paesi"
+ all_in: "Tutto in"
+ showing: "Mostrando"
+ weather_arts: "Arte Meteorologica"
+ newest_first: "Prima i più Recenti"
+ oldest_first: "Prima i più Vecchi"
+ cities:
+ title: "Esplora Città"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galleria Arte Meteorologica"
+ subtitle: "Scopri l'arte meteorologica generata dall'IA dalle città di tutto il mondo"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Dove il Meteo Incontra
l'Intelligenza Artificiale
+ subtitle:
+ Vivi il meteo attraverso la lente dell'arte generata dall'IA,
+ portando una nuova prospettiva ai fenomeni meteorologici quotidiani.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Esplora Città"
+ view_detail: "Visualizza Dettagli"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Visualizza Tutta l'Arte Meteorologica"
+ back_to_cities: "Torna alle Città"
+ back_to: "Torna a"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatura"
+ wind: "Vento"
+ humidity: "Umidità"
+ visibility: "Visibilità"
+ pressure: "Pressione"
+ cloud_cover: "Copertura Nuvolosa"
+ feel_like: "Percepita"
+ relative_humidity: "Umidità relativa"
+ clear_view_distance: "Distanza di visibilità"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Pressione atmosferica"
+ sky_coverage: "Copertura del cielo"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Mostrando da %{from} a %{to} di %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "registrazioni meteo"
+ default: "elementi"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/pl.yml b/config/locales/pl.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b82bdae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/pl.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Witaj świecie"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Miasta"
+ arts: "Sztuka"
+ sign_in: "Zaloguj się"
+ sign_out: "Wyloguj się"
+ settings: "Ustawienia"
+ admin_dashboard: "Panel administratora"
+ latest_weather_art: "Najnowsza sztuka pogodowa"
+ popular_weather_art: "Popularna sztuka pogodowa"
+ ai_prompt: "Prompt AI"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Najnowsze z"
+ search_cities: "Szukaj miast..."
+ all_regions: "Wszystkie regiony"
+ all_countries: "Wszystkie kraje"
+ all_in: "Wszystko w"
+ showing: "Wyświetlanie"
+ weather_arts: "Sztuka pogodowa"
+ newest_first: "Od najnowszych"
+ oldest_first: "Od najstarszych"
+ cities:
+ title: "Odkryj miasta"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galeria sztuki pogodowej"
+ subtitle: "Odkryj sztukę pogodową generowaną przez AI z miast na całym świecie"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Gdzie pogoda spotyka się
ze sztuczną inteligencją
+ subtitle:
+ Doświadcz pogody przez pryzmat sztuki generowanej przez AI,
+ wprowadzając nową perspektywę do codziennych zjawisk meteorologicznych.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Odkryj miasta"
+ view_detail: "Zobacz szczegóły"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Zobacz całą sztukę pogodową"
+ back_to_cities: "Powrót do miast"
+ back_to: "Powrót do"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatura"
+ wind: "Wiatr"
+ humidity: "Wilgotność"
+ visibility: "Widoczność"
+ pressure: "Ciśnienie"
+ cloud_cover: "Zachmurzenie"
+ feel_like: "Odczuwalna"
+ relative_humidity: "Wilgotność względna"
+ clear_view_distance: "Zasięg widoczności"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Ciśnienie atmosferyczne"
+ sky_coverage: "Pokrycie nieba"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Wyświetlanie %{from} do %{to} z %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "zapisów pogody"
+ default: "elementów"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b870a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Olá mundo"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Cidades"
+ arts: "Artes"
+ sign_in: "Entrar"
+ sign_out: "Sair"
+ settings: "Configurações"
+ admin_dashboard: "Painel de Administração"
+ latest_weather_art: "Arte Meteorológica Mais Recente"
+ popular_weather_art: "Arte Meteorológica Popular"
+ ai_prompt: "Prompt de IA"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Mais recente de"
+ search_cities: "Pesquisar cidades..."
+ all_regions: "Todas as Regiões"
+ all_countries: "Todos os Países"
+ all_in: "Tudo em"
+ showing: "Mostrando"
+ weather_arts: "Artes Meteorológicas"
+ newest_first: "Mais Recentes Primeiro"
+ oldest_first: "Mais Antigos Primeiro"
+ cities:
+ title: "Explorar Cidades"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galeria de Artes Meteorológicas"
+ subtitle: "Descubra arte meteorológica gerada por IA de cidades ao redor do mundo"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Onde o Clima Encontra
a Inteligência Artificial
+ subtitle:
+ Experimente o clima através das lentes da arte gerada por IA,
+ trazendo uma nova perspectiva para os fenômenos meteorológicos diários.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Explorar Cidades"
+ view_detail: "Ver Detalhes"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Ver Todas as Artes Meteorológicas"
+ back_to_cities: "Voltar para Cidades"
+ back_to: "Voltar para"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatura"
+ wind: "Vento"
+ humidity: "Umidade"
+ visibility: "Visibilidade"
+ pressure: "Pressão"
+ cloud_cover: "Cobertura de Nuvens"
+ feel_like: "Sensação térmica"
+ relative_humidity: "Umidade relativa"
+ clear_view_distance: "Distância de visão clara"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Pressão atmosférica"
+ sky_coverage: "Cobertura do céu"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Mostrando %{from} até %{to} de %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "registros meteorológicos"
+ default: "itens"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ short: "%d %b"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/pt.yml b/config/locales/pt.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb20ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/pt.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Olá mundo"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Cidades"
+ arts: "Artes"
+ sign_in: "Entrar"
+ sign_out: "Sair"
+ settings: "Configurações"
+ admin_dashboard: "Painel de Administração"
+ latest_weather_art: "Arte Meteorológica Mais Recente"
+ popular_weather_art: "Arte Meteorológica Popular"
+ ai_prompt: "Prompt de IA"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Mais recente de"
+ search_cities: "Pesquisar cidades..."
+ all_regions: "Todas as Regiões"
+ all_countries: "Todos os Países"
+ all_in: "Tudo em"
+ showing: "Mostrando"
+ weather_arts: "Artes Meteorológicas"
+ newest_first: "Mais Recentes Primeiro"
+ oldest_first: "Mais Antigos Primeiro"
+ cities:
+ title: "Explorar Cidades"
+ arts:
+ title: "Galeria de Artes Meteorológicas"
+ subtitle: "Descubra arte meteorológica gerada por IA de cidades ao redor do mundo"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Onde o Clima Encontra
a Inteligência Artificial
+ subtitle:
+ Experimente o clima através das lentes da arte gerada por IA,
+ trazendo uma nova perspectiva para os fenômenos meteorológicos diários.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Explorar Cidades"
+ view_detail: "Ver Detalhes"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Ver Todas as Artes Meteorológicas"
+ back_to_cities: "Voltar para Cidades"
+ back_to: "Voltar para"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Temperatura"
+ wind: "Vento"
+ humidity: "Umidade"
+ visibility: "Visibilidade"
+ pressure: "Pressão"
+ cloud_cover: "Cobertura de Nuvens"
+ feel_like: "Sensação térmica"
+ relative_humidity: "Umidade relativa"
+ clear_view_distance: "Distância de visão clara"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Pressão atmosférica"
+ sky_coverage: "Cobertura do céu"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Mostrando %{from} a %{to} de %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "registros meteorológicos"
+ default: "itens"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%d de %b"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0906330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/ru.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Привет, мир"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Города"
+ arts: "Искусство"
+ sign_in: "Войти"
+ sign_out: "Выйти"
+ settings: "Настройки"
+ admin_dashboard: "Панель администратора"
+ latest_weather_art: "Последнее погодное искусство"
+ popular_weather_art: "Популярное погодное искусство"
+ ai_prompt: "AI подсказка"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Последнее от"
+ search_cities: "Поиск городов..."
+ all_regions: "Все регионы"
+ all_countries: "Все страны"
+ all_in: "Все в"
+ showing: "Показано"
+ weather_arts: "Погодное искусство"
+ newest_first: "Сначала новые"
+ oldest_first: "Сначала старые"
+ cities:
+ title: "Исследуйте города"
+ arts:
+ title: "Галерея погодного искусства"
+ subtitle: "Откройте для себя AI-сгенерированное погодное искусство из городов по всему миру"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Где погода встречается
с искусственным интеллектом
+ subtitle:
+ Познакомьтесь с погодой через призму искусства, созданного искусственным интеллектом,
+ открывая новый взгляд на ежедневные метеорологические явления.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Исследовать города"
+ view_detail: "Посмотреть детали"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Посмотреть все погодное искусство"
+ back_to_cities: "Вернуться к городам"
+ back_to: "Вернуться к"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Температура"
+ wind: "Ветер"
+ humidity: "Влажность"
+ visibility: "Видимость"
+ pressure: "Давление"
+ cloud_cover: "Облачность"
+ feel_like: "Ощущается как"
+ relative_humidity: "Относительная влажность"
+ clear_view_distance: "Дальность видимости"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Атмосферное давление"
+ sky_coverage: "Покрытие неба"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Показано с %{from} по %{to} из %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "записей о погоде"
+ default: "элементов"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/tr.yml b/config/locales/tr.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a1bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/tr.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Merhaba dünya"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Şehirler"
+ arts: "Sanat"
+ sign_in: "Giriş yap"
+ sign_out: "Çıkış yap"
+ settings: "Ayarlar"
+ admin_dashboard: "Yönetici Paneli"
+ latest_weather_art: "En Son Hava Durumu Sanatı"
+ popular_weather_art: "Popüler Hava Durumu Sanatı"
+ ai_prompt: "AI Komut"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "En son"
+ search_cities: "Şehirleri ara..."
+ all_regions: "Tüm Bölgeler"
+ all_countries: "Tüm Ülkeler"
+ all_in: "Tümü"
+ showing: "Gösteriliyor"
+ weather_arts: "Hava Durumu Sanatları"
+ newest_first: "En Yeni Önce"
+ oldest_first: "En Eski Önce"
+ cities:
+ title: "Şehirleri Keşfet"
+ arts:
+ title: "Hava Durumu Sanat Galerisi"
+ subtitle: "Dünya genelindeki şehirlerden AI tarafından oluşturulan hava durumu sanatını keşfedin"
+ home:
+ headline_html: "Hava Durumu
Yapay Zeka ile Buluşuyor"
+ subtitle:
+ AI tarafından oluşturulan sanat perspektifinden hava durumunu deneyimleyin,
+ günlük meteorolojik olaylara yeni bir bakış açısı getirin.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Şehirleri Keşfet"
+ view_detail: "Detayları Görüntüle"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Tüm Hava Durumu Sanatlarını Görüntüle"
+ back_to_cities: "Şehirlere Geri Dön"
+ back_to: "Geri Dön"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Sıcaklık"
+ wind: "Rüzgar"
+ humidity: "Nem"
+ visibility: "Görüş Mesafesi"
+ pressure: "Basınç"
+ cloud_cover: "Bulut Örtüsü"
+ feel_like: "Hissedilen"
+ relative_humidity: "Bağıl nem"
+ clear_view_distance: "Net görüş mesafesi"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Atmosfer basıncı"
+ sky_coverage: "Gökyüzü kapsama"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "%{total} %{items} içinden %{from} ile %{to} arası gösteriliyor"
+ items:
+ weather: "hava durumu kayıtları"
+ default: "öğe"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%d %b"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/uk.yml b/config/locales/uk.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8642670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/uk.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ hello: "Привіт світ"
+ brand:
+ name: "Today AI Weather"
+ title:
+ cities: "Міста"
+ arts: "Мистецтво"
+ sign_in: "Увійти"
+ sign_out: "Вийти"
+ settings: "Налаштування"
+ admin_dashboard: "Панель адміністратора"
+ latest_weather_art: "Останнє погодне мистецтво"
+ popular_weather_art: "Популярне погодне мистецтво"
+ ai_prompt: "AI підказка"
+ text:
+ latest_from: "Останнє від"
+ search_cities: "Пошук міст..."
+ all_regions: "Всі регіони"
+ all_countries: "Всі країни"
+ all_in: "Все в"
+ showing: "Показано"
+ weather_arts: "Погодне мистецтво"
+ newest_first: "Спочатку нові"
+ oldest_first: "Спочатку старі"
+ cities:
+ title: "Огляд міст"
+ arts:
+ title: "Галерея погодного мистецтва"
+ subtitle: "Відкрийте для себе згенероване ШІ погодне мистецтво з міст по всьому світу"
+ home:
+ headline_html: Де погода зустрічається
зі штучним інтелектом
+ subtitle:
+ Відчуйте погоду через призму мистецтва, створеного ШІ,
+ що дає новий погляд на щоденні метеорологічні явища.
+ button:
+ explore_cities: "Огляд міст"
+ view_detail: "Переглянути деталі"
+ view_all_weather_arts: "Переглянути все погодне мистецтво"
+ back_to_cities: "Назад до міст"
+ back_to: "Назад до"
+ card:
+ temperature: "Температура"
+ wind: "Вітер"
+ humidity: "Вологість"
+ visibility: "Видимість"
+ pressure: "Тиск"
+ cloud_cover: "Хмарність"
+ feel_like: "Відчувається як"
+ relative_humidity: "Відносна вологість"
+ clear_view_distance: "Дальність видимості"
+ atmospheric_pressure: "Атмосферний тиск"
+ sky_coverage: "Покриття неба"
+ pagination:
+ showing_items: "Показано %{from} до %{to} з %{total} %{items}"
+ items:
+ weather: "погодних записів"
+ default: "елементів"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ time_only: "%H:%M"
+ with_zone: "%{time} %{zone}"
+ date_and_time: "%{date} %{time}"
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
\ No newline at end of file