- Integrate Devise for user authentication
- Create User model and necessary views
- Implement email confirmation and password reset functionality
- Add routing for user sign-up and login
- Customize error messages display
This commit initiates user authentication in the application
using the Devise gem. It includes user registration, login,
password reset, and email confirmation features. Additionally,
the necessary views and mailer templates are included to
support these functionalities. This enhances the security
and usability of the application by allowing users to create
accounts and manage their passwords effectively.
- Create SitemapsController to serve sitemaps
- Configure AWS S3 storage for sitemaps
- Update routes to include sitemap paths
- Add SitemapsHelper module
- Configure SitemapGenerator with AWS adapter
- Update storage configurations for AWS
This feature adds sitemap functionality to the application, enabling search engines to discover and index its content more efficiently. It includes configuration for AWS S3 storage to host the sitemaps and updates the application's routes to serve them.
- Introduce ArtsController with index action
- Create index view for displaying weather arts
- Implement Kaminari for pagination functionality
- Add necessary routes for accessing arts
- Update Gemfile to include Kaminari gem
- Create views for pagination controls
This implementation enhances the Weather Arts Gallery, allowing users to view and navigate through a collection of AI-generated weather arts easily. Pagination controls have been added to improve usability.
- Created BatchGenerateWeatherArtsJob to process eligible
cities and generate weather art.
- Introduced GenerateWeatherArtJob for generating weather
art and image attachment.
- Added AiService for obtaining prompts and generating
images with OpenAI API.
- Implemented WeatherService to fetch current weather
data from the QWeather API.
- Updated Gemfile with necessary gems (whenever,
ruby-openai, httparty, down, aws-sdk-s3).
This commit introduces a system to create and store
weather art images for various cities based on current
weather conditions, leveraging external APIs for data
and image generation.
- Implement Country and Region models
- Establish relationships between City, Country, and Region
- Update ActiveAdmin setup for managing countries and regions
- Add localization support for cities and countries in multiple languages
- Create necessary migrations to support the new schema
This update allows for better categorization of cities under their respective countries and regions, enhancing geographical structure and support for multilingual features.
- Standardize string quotes in various files for consistency.
- Remove commented-out tests from cities and weather_arts controllers to improve readability.
- Clean up admin_users and weather_arts fixture files by commenting out unused entries instead of removing them.
These changes are aimed at enhancing code readability and maintainability, ensuring that code adheres to style guidelines without removing useful comments for future reference.
- Integrate 'friendly_id' gem for sluggable functionality in City model
- Create ActiveAdmin resources for managing cities and weather arts
- Implement controller logic for cities
- Add database migrations for cities and weather arts creation
- Seed database with sample data for testing
- Create initial test cases for controllers and models
This commit enhances the application's URL handling by allowing friendly URLs for cities and weather arts. The addition of ActiveAdmin resources facilitates easier management through a web interface.