- Implement MapController for displaying city maps
- Add map rendering in the city show view
- Include weather arts in the city show controller
- Update asset pipeline to include Leaflet CSS and JS
This commit introduces a map feature that allows users to view
geographical information related to cities. The map is integrated
with weather arts data, enhancing the overall functionality of
the city show page.
- Include associated city and image attachment in popular,
random, latest, and featured arts queries to enhance data
accessibility and performance.
- This modification reduces N+1 query issues by eager-loading
associations, leading to improved query performance when
accessing related data.
- Created BatchGenerateWeatherArtsJob to process eligible
cities and generate weather art.
- Introduced GenerateWeatherArtJob for generating weather
art and image attachment.
- Added AiService for obtaining prompts and generating
images with OpenAI API.
- Implemented WeatherService to fetch current weather
data from the QWeather API.
- Updated Gemfile with necessary gems (whenever,
ruby-openai, httparty, down, aws-sdk-s3).
This commit introduces a system to create and store
weather art images for various cities based on current
weather conditions, leveraging external APIs for data
and image generation.