- Include state, country, and region in the DALL-E prompt
- Enhance context for the generated weather scene
This change improves the specificity of the prompts generated
for the AI, providing more contextual information such as
state, country, and region alongside the city name. This
enhancement can lead to more accurate and relevant outputs
from the DALL-E 3 model for weather scenes.
- Clean up trailing whitespace in app/admin/state.rb
- Clean up trailing whitespace in app/admin/subregions.rb
- Clean up trailing whitespace in app/admin/users.rb
- Adjust formatting in cities_controller.rb for consistency
These changes improve code readability and maintainability by
removing unnecessary whitespace. It is a small clean-up that prepares
files for better version control parsing and reduces the diff clutter.
- Change generation interval from 24 hours to 36 hours
This change provides more flexibility in scheduling weather arts generation, which could lead to better resource management or accommodate changes in data availability.
- Update menu labels for cities, countries, and regions
- Introduce new entities for states and subregions in Admin Panel
- Implement admin authentication for weather art generation
- Modify application controller to check for admin user
- Refactor view to display admin panel based on user permissions
- Update routes to include weather art generation action
These changes enhance the admin interface for better management of cities
and related entities. The new admin checks ensure that only authorized users
can generate weather art, improving security and functionality.
- Implemented a new admin panel that allows administrators to view
statistics and manage weather art. The panel includes:
- A card displaying total images and today's images
- Buttons to generate new art and edit the city
- Added `admin?` helper method to check if the current user is an
- Updated database configuration to use safer credentials lookup
method `dig` for development database URL instead of the
previous method, improving reliability in accessing nested
- Updated confirmation, password, unlock, and session views to use a
card-based layout for improved visual appeal.
- Added responsive design features to ensure compatibility across devices.
- Enhanced usability by providing clear placeholders in form fields.
These changes improve the user experience during account recovery and
management processes. The design promotes a modern interface while
maintaining functionality.
- Add confirmable and lockable modules to user model
- Update error messages display with improved UI
- Modify navbar links for better accessibility and styling
- Add unique indexes for confirmation and unlock tokens in migration
These changes improve user management and user experience by
adding features for account activation and security, along
with styling enhancements for the authentication views.
- Implement Stimulus controller for closing flash messages
- Replace inline alerts with a partial for better organization
- Enhance styling for user registration and login forms
This update introduces a new flash message component that allows
for user notifications to be displayed on the screen and closed by
the user. The forms also include improved styles for a better
user experience.
- Improve the user registration form layout with card styling.
- Add input classes for better design consistency.
- Introduce a new navbar partial for better component management.
- Removed the old navbar code to streamline application layout.
These changes provide a more modern and user-friendly experience during
user registration and improve the overall site's navigation structure.
- Integrate Devise for user authentication
- Create User model and necessary views
- Implement email confirmation and password reset functionality
- Add routing for user sign-up and login
- Customize error messages display
This commit initiates user authentication in the application
using the Devise gem. It includes user registration, login,
password reset, and email confirmation features. Additionally,
the necessary views and mailer templates are included to
support these functionalities. This enhances the security
and usability of the application by allowing users to create
accounts and manage their passwords effectively.
- Change displayed time from weather_date to created_at in
cities and weather arts show templates. This ensures that the
time shown reflects when the record was created instead of the
weather date which may not be accurate for representation.
- Change column header from '访问(日/周/年)' to '访问(DWMY)' to reflect
updated metrics.
- Adjust metrics to include monthly view count alongside daily,
weekly, and yearly counts.
This modification improves clarity by explicitly indicating the
metrics being displayed in the dashboard, thereby aiding users in
understanding the data better.
- Update view_count method to accept different time periods
- Modify ahoy_dashboard to display views per day, week, and year
These changes provide a more granular view of city visits, allowing for
better analytics and insights on user engagement over time.
- Add '图像个数' column to show the count of weather arts.
- Add '最后更新时间' column to display the last weather fetch time.
These additions enhance the information displayed in the Ahoy Dashboard and
Cities admin panel, providing more context for each city.
- Add display of activated and non-activated city counts
- Introduce a new scope for inactive cities in City model
- Update Ahoy Dashboard to show the total count of both active and inactive cities
This update provides better insights into city activation status within the
Ahoy Dashboard. It introduces a new function in the City model and updates
the dashboard to reflect these statistics, assisting in better monitoring
of city status.
- Removed user_id, city, country, and region columns
- Added visit_id, visit_token, referrer, landing_page,
browser, os, and device_type columns
This refactor improves the administrative interface for Ahoy
models by updating the displayed attributes to better suit
the current application requirements. It also aligns the
displayed data with the available attributes in the Ahoy
tracking system, making it easier for administrators to
review relevant information.
- Add ID column to least popular active cities table
- Improve region display in cities table
- Remove commented-out code section for cleaner view
This update enhances the Ahoy dashboard by providing more
information in the cities listing, specifically the ID
of each city and a clearer representation of the region
it belongs to. Additionally, it removes outdated code to
improve maintainability.
- Change return condition in add_watermark method from
'return' to 'nil'.
- Ensure that the method correctly acknowledges the
presence of an existing watermark image, allowing for
further processing if necessary.
This change improves the clarity and functionality of the
add_watermark method by explicitly indicating when no
further action should be taken.
- Removed the limit on City queries in the Ahoy Dashboard
- Updated table_for calls for least popular active and most popular inactive cities to fetch all records instead of limiting to 10
This change allows the dashboard to display all relevant cities without
artificial limits, providing a more comprehensive overview of city
activity. The previous limitations may have hidden important data for
analysis and reporting purposes.
- Remove unused `ruby-vips` gem from Gemfile
- Update Dockerfile to remove `libvips42` package, which is no longer needed
- Comment out legacy watermarking code in `AddWatermarkToWeatherArtWorker`
These changes streamline the dependencies, making the
project lighter and reduce potential security issues with
unused gems and packages. The watermarking functionality is now
commented out for potential future use but is not currently
- Change table to display cities based on popularity
- Modify button logic to toggle between "停用" (disable) and "激活" (activate) based on current city status
This update improves the usability of the Ahoy Dashboard by providing
clearer management options for city statuses. Users can now easily
activate or deactivate cities from the dashboard, enhancing overall
administrative efficiency.
- Implement a new panel in the Ahoy Dashboard
- Display least popular active cities along with their visit counts
- Include action buttons to toggle city statuses with confirmations
This addition enhances the admin dashboard by providing insights into
city rankings based on user visits. It allows administrators to
manage city statuses directly from the dashboard, improving usability
and functionality.
- Change ordering of previous weather art to use 'id' descending
- Change ordering of next weather art to use 'id' ascending
- Remove unnecessary blank line in seeds file
These changes enhance the consistency of the weather art
navigation by using 'id' for ordering, ensuring the
correct retrieval of records.
- Implement previous and next weather art navigation
- Update weather arts controller to fetch adjacent weather arts
- Modify show view to include navigation links
This update enhances the user experience by allowing users to
navigate through weather arts seamlessly. The previous and
next buttons improve accessibility, providing a smoother
browsing experience. The implementation also accounts for
situations where no adjacent weather arts exist, ensuring
clarity for users.
- Remove unnecessary image tag
- Add city name to weather art title
- Improve image scaling effect
These changes aim to enhance the user experience by providing a clearer and more visually appealing representation of the weather art, including the location it represents.
- Change latest weather art limit from 6 to 20
- Shuffle the collection and display the last 10 items
- Update the section title to reflect the shuffling
This commit enhances the visibility of the latest weather art by
increasing the limit of displayed items. It randomizes the selection
of the latest art pieces for a more dynamic user experience, while the
UI title is updated to clarify this feature. This change improves user
engagement with the content.
- Introduce BATCH_SIZE constant to limit processed cities
- Shuffle and limit eligible cities processing to enhance worker efficiency
This update improves the performance of the BatchGenerateWeatherArtsWorker
by ensuring that only a set number of cities are processed within the
allotted time, reducing the risk of timeouts and making the overall
system more responsive.
- Update image link to use original blob instead of a resized variant
- Remove the resizing option for the image tag for better fidelity
- Modify CSS class for a smoother hover effect without scaling issues
This refactor improves the image loading behavior by allowing
full-resolution images to be loaded directly. The previous resizing
was limiting image quality, and this change enhances user experience
when viewing weather art.
- Change button classes from `btn` to `btn btn-xs` for all pagination buttons
- Ensure consistent styling across all pagination elements
These changes standardize the button sizes in the pagination component, improving the visual uniformity. The adjustment enhances user experience by making the pagination buttons more appropriately sized within the interface, without affecting functionality.
- Change import for PhotoSwipeLightbox to 'photoswipe/lightbox'
- Change import for PhotoSwipe to 'photoswipe'
These updates reflect the new module structure of the PhotoSwipe library, ensuring that the controller utilizes the correct paths for improved functionality and maintainability.
- Integrate PhotoSwipe library for enhanced image viewing
- Create PhotoSwipeLightBoxController to manage images
- Register lightbox controller in Stimulus framework
- Update views to include lightbox functionality
- Modify styles to accommodate new design elements
This commit introduces a new way for users to view images with
PhotoSwipe, improving the interactivity of the photo gallery. It
also includes adjustments to the layout and styles for better
presentation and user experience.
- Include actual update time in weather report
- Rename watermark worker file for clarity
This commit enhances the weather data report by
updating the format to include the actual update time
retrieved from the weather service API. Additionally,
the watermark worker file has been renamed to improve
readability and consistency in the naming convention.
- Include the image_processing gem to handle image manipulation
- Create a background worker for adding watermarks to weather art images
- Update WeatherArt model to attach watermark images
- Add a new watermark image asset
This commit enhances the WeatherArt feature by allowing images to
have watermarks added asynchronously, improving the visual
presentation of the art. It ensures sufficient image dimensions
before processing and includes error handling for the worker.
- Implement city status toggle functionality in the Ahoy Dashboard
- Add buttons for activating and deactivating cities
- Update the UI to show the current status of cities
This commit enhances the admin dashboard by allowing
administrators to toggle the activation status of cities.
The buttons provide confirmation prompts before executing
state changes, improving user experience and preventing
accidental actions.
- Delete BatchGenerateWeatherArtsJob which queued jobs for generating
weather art for eligible cities.
- Remove CleanAhoyDataJob responsible for cleaning up old Ahoy events
and visits.
- Eliminate GenerateWeatherArtJob that managed the generation
and attachment of weather art images.
- Drop RefreshSitemapJob which created and uploaded XML sitemaps.
These removals suggest a shift in how these functionalities will be
handled, possibly indicating a move towards a different architecture
or integration with another service.
- Update localized_name method to provide a default value for
missing translations
- Modify timezone display in city show view to show a message
when the timezone is undefined
These changes improve user experience by ensuring that the city
localization falls back to the city name itself if a translation
is not found, and they handle potentially missing timezone data
more gracefully.
- Simplify query for most popular inactive cities in City model
- Minor layout changes in Admin Dashboards for Ahoy and Sidekiq tasks
This refactoring improves code organization, reducing complexity in the City model and making it easier to read. Additionally, the Admin dashboard layouts have been simplified for a better user experience.
- Introduce a new admin dashboard for viewing Ahoy statistics.
- Display total visits, event counts, and unique visitors.
- List most popular and least popular active cities with their visit counts.
- Add a panel for recent events.
- Modify existing dashboard to include a section for inactive cities.
This commit introduces a comprehensive dashboard that helps
admin users monitor the traffic and engagement statistics of
various cities. The changes include functionality to show
active and inactive cities based on their popularity,
allowing for better insights into user engagement across
the application.
- Rename task label from 'Batch Generate Weather Arts' to 'Generate Weather Arts' for better understanding.
- Add a new button for manual task execution of 'BatchGenerateWeatherArts'.
- Update task value in form submissions to be more descriptive, enhancing maintainability.
These changes improve the usability of the Sidekiq tasks management interface, making it more intuitive for users to identify and execute tasks. The renamed button and the clear distinction between tasks aim to reduce confusion and assist in better workflow management.
- Change logging to use Rails.logger.debug instead of
Rails.logger.debugger for better compatibility.
- Remove unnecessary extra lines in the Sidekiq jobs file.
This commit ensures that log messages are recorded efficiently and
with the correct log level, improving logging practices in the
- Replace logger.info with logger.debugger for user agent logging.
- Commented out redundant info logging for blocked browsers.
This change improves the logging detail level for the user agent by
utilizing the debugger log method instead of info, which provides more
context during debugging sessions.
- Commented out the `allow_browser` lines to prevent
disabling access for unsupported browsers.
- This change maintains previous behavior without removing
the code permanently, allowing for future reference.
- The previous implementation was causing issues with
newer browser versions, prompting the need for a review
of browser support policies.
- Add manual task execution buttons for BatchGenerateWeatherArtsWorker, RefreshSitemapWorker, and CleanAhoyDataWorker
- Improve browser blocking functionality in ApplicationController
- Refactor Sidekiq jobs management to include statistics and task execution
- Update various jobs to conform to new standards
This feature allows for more fine-grained control over Sidekiq tasks and improves the overall user experience.
- Change class names from Worker to Job for better alignment
with Rails convention.
- Includes changes in BatchGenerateWeatherArtsJob,
CleanAhoyDataJob, GenerateWeatherArtJob, and
RefreshSitemapJob classes.
This refactoring improves the clarity and consistency of the
codebase by adhering to established naming conventions,
making it easier for new developers to understand the
role of these classes within the application.
- Add menu labels and parents for AdminUser, City, Country, Region, WeatherArt, Ahoy::Event, and Ahoy::Visit.
- Introduce a new page for managing Sidekiq jobs, providing functionality to execute or delete scheduled jobs.
- Adjust batch job for generating weather art by using Sidekiq for improved performance.
- Implement clean-up worker for old Ahoy data and functionalities for refreshing the sitemap.
These changes enhance the administration interface by providing better organization and management tools for backend entities. The addition of Sidekiq jobs management further improves system maintenance capabilities.
- Change query conditions in City model to use the
`properties::jsonb` syntax for compatibility.
- Update WeatherArt model's event counting to reflect
the same JSONB handling for consistency across models.
These changes ensure that the queries correctly access the
JSONB fields in the database, which enhances robustness
when handling different database adapters like Postgres
or SQLite. This fixes potential issues with ahoy events
not being counted accurately due to incorrect property access.
- Change single quotes to double quotes for adapter name check
This change ensures consistent usage of double quotes in the
conditional check for the SQLite adapter. It does not affect
any functionality but improves code readability.
- Introduce new panel in the admin dashboard for displaying
the least popular active cities.
- Implement a database scope `least_popular_active` to
retrieve cities based on their view counts.
- Ensure compatibility with both SQLite and PostgreSQL
for fetching city view data.
This addition enhances the admin dashboard by allowing
administrators to easily identify and manage cities that
are receiving less user interaction, thus aiding in strategic
planning for engagement and promotion.
- Removed unnecessary leading and trailing blank lines in several
ActiveAdmin register files.
- Reformatted string delimiters for consistency, changing single quotes
to double quotes in tracking events in the Cities and WeatherArts
- Ensured proper spacing in array definitions across several
models, including Ahoy::Event and Ahoy::Visit.
These changes improve code readability and maintain consistency
throughout the codebase by ensuring uniform use of quotes and
removing excess whitespace.
- Integrate Ahoy gem for tracking user events and visits
- Create models for Ahoy events and visits
- Implement admin interfaces for managing events and visits
- Add background job for cleaning up old analytics data
- Update application controller and other relevant controllers to track specific actions
This commit implements a comprehensive event tracking system that logs user interactions
within the application. Additionally, it includes mechanisms for managing and
cleaning historical visit and event data, ensuring efficient data handling.
Order cities by name instead of filtering active cities. This change simplifies the CitiesController and improves code readability.
- Update City.includes method in CitiesController
- Remove active filter in City.includes method
- Rename page view variables for consistency:
- `busuanzi_value_page_pv` to `busuanzi_page_pv`
- `busuanzi_value_page_uv` to `busuanzi_page_uv`
- `busuanzi_value_site_pv` to `busuanzi_site_pv`
- `busuanzi_value_site_uv` to `busuanzi_site_uv`
These changes improve the readability of the code by removing redundant parts of the variable names. This ensures that variables accurately reflect their purpose without unnecessary prefixes. The functionality remains unchanged.
- Change visibility of busuanzi_container from hidden to default
This change allows page view counts to be visible to users, improving
transparency regarding page engagement metrics.
- Change font size from 'text-sm' to 'text-xs' for better visibility
This adjustment improves the aesthetics of the footer by ensuring that the
text is appropriately sized and matches the overall design of the page.
- Adjust footer padding for improved spacing
- Change visitor and view statistics display to a more concise
- Maintain consistent font sizes for better readability
These changes enhance the visual presentation of the footer
while maintaining the functionality of hidden visitor statistics.
- Update footer padding for better spacing
- Add hidden container for site statistics
- Modify display of page and total site statistics
These changes improve the presentation and organization of site statistics, making it easier for users to understand site traffic and engagement.
- Removed the active_admin.js file from the project as it is no longer needed.
- Added the Busuanzi site statistics script to the application layout for
tracking page views and visitors.
- Updated the footer layout to include site statistics, providing users
with real-time view and visitor counts.
These changes streamline the asset management by removing unused files and
integrate site analytics directly into the footer for better visibility.
- Update layout with improved styles and spacing
- Modify sections for better visual hierarchy
- Add gradient effects and responsive design adjustments
These changes enhance the overall user experience by providing a
more visually appealing and organized layout for the city
weather art view. Adjustments include background effects,
updated navigation, and improved display of weather statistics
and history records.
- Create SitemapsController to serve sitemaps
- Configure AWS S3 storage for sitemaps
- Update routes to include sitemap paths
- Add SitemapsHelper module
- Configure SitemapGenerator with AWS adapter
- Update storage configurations for AWS
This feature adds sitemap functionality to the application, enabling search engines to discover and index its content more efficiently. It includes configuration for AWS S3 storage to host the sitemaps and updates the application's routes to serve them.
- Removed conditional check for production environment in
the initializer to ensure the sitemap refresh worker
always runs at startup.
- Renamed Sidekiq configuration file from sidekiq.yml to
sidekiq_scheduler.yml to better reflect its purpose.
These changes streamline the initialization process
for scheduled tasks and enhance the clarity of the
configuration files used in the project.
- Change stats div to be responsive
- Adjust coordinates display format for better readability
This update enhances the layout of the city show view by making
it more responsive and improving the display of weather and
geographical data. Additionally, the startup task for
refreshing the sitemap is now consistently executed,
removing unnecessary complexity.
- Update `find_resource` method to use `scoped_collection.friendly.find(params[:id])`
This refactoring improves the find_resource method to work with friendly URLs, making it more robust and user-friendly.
- Introduce jQuery and jQuery UI libraries
- Create an add_jquery.js for global availability
- Import active_admin.js to initialize the setup
These changes integrate jQuery and jQuery UI into the project, which
will facilitate more interactive user interface features. The jQuery
object is made globally accessible to use within other scripts.
- Introduce a new filter for selecting cities by country in the
ActiveAdmin interface.
- Update the ransackable attributes to include country_id for
searchable functionality.
This change enhances the Admin UI by allowing easier access to
city data based on country, improving the user experience for
- Added country input field to the city form for better user experience.
- Removed unused region and weather-related fields to declutter the form.
This change improves the data captured for cities and enhances the form's usability by focusing on relevant information.
- Change SLEEP_DURATION from 60 seconds to 120 seconds
This change is made to improve resource management
and allow for a more efficient operation of the batch
processing tasks performed by the worker. It helps in
avoiding potential overload on system resources.
- Change generation interval from 6 hours to 24 hours
- Increase sleep duration from 3 seconds to 60 seconds
These adjustments aim to optimize the worker's performance and reduce resource consumption. This change reflects a shift towards longer generation cycles, potentially improving throughput.
- Change the displayed title from 'Today AI Weather Art' to 'Today AI Weather'.
This change refines the branding by removing the word 'Art', making the title more concise and focused. This is a minor modification that does not impact functionality.
- Introduce `weather_description_icon` and `weather_stat_icon`
helper methods for displaying SVG icons based on weather
conditions and statistics.
- Enhance the city show view by using these icons to display
visual weather information such as temperature, wind, humidity,
visibility, pressure, and cloud cover.
- Optimize the visual styling and layout of the weather stats
and cards for better user experience.
- Change title from 'AI Weather Art' to 'Today AI Weather Art'
This change enhances the clarity of the application by specifying that the art relates to today's weather. It does not affect any functionality but improves the user interface.
- Include async script for Google AdSense in the application layout
- Ensure script loads with crossorigin attribute
This change will allow the application to serve ads from Google, potentially generating revenue. The implementation is non-intrusive and maintains existing functionality.
- Added a space in the array passed to `add_index` in the migration
- Removed unused columns `last_weather_fetch` and `last_image_generation` from the `cities` table
- Ensured consistent code style in the `GenerateWeatherArtWorker` and added required newline at the end of files
These changes improve code readability and maintainability while ensuring that
no unnecessary fields exist in the database schema.
- Add logging to track the generation of weather art for each city.
- Refactor image attachment process to streamline the code by removing the
separate method for attaching images.
- Ensure proper handling of the temporary file used for image processing.
These changes improve observability during the weather art generation
process and encapsulate the image attachment logic within the primary
method, reducing the overhead of a method call. The adjustments also
ensure that temporary files are managed correctly to prevent resource
- Introduced constants for configuration settings such as generation interval, maximum duration, and sleep duration.
- Updated the `perform` method to utilize these constants for better readability and maintainability.
- Refactored the `perform` method in `GenerateWeatherArtWorker` to improve flow and error handling by creating separate methods for fetching weather data, generating prompts, images, and handling database transactions.
- Cleaned up city seeding data by removing unnecessary fields while maintaining required functionality.
These changes improve the overall readability of the code and make it easier to adjust the behavior of the workers in the future without digging through the logic.
- Implement caching methods for last weather fetch and image generation
- Adjust sleep duration in BatchGenerateWeatherArtsWorker from 10 seconds to 3 seconds
- Remove unused fields `last_weather_fetch` and `last_image_generation` from the cities table
- Add index on the weather_arts table for optimized querying
This refactor improves data retrieval performance for weather data
associated with cities. Caching reduces database load while the
worker modification allows for faster iterations in generating
weather arts without significantly impacting performance.
- Include gtag.js for Google Analytics
- Setup dataLayer for tracking events
- Configure Google Analytics with unique ID
This commit integrates Google Analytics into the web
application to enable tracking of user interactions and
site usage. It sets up the necessary scripts and initializes
the tracking code with the provided unique ID, improving
analytics capabilities.
- update default host in sitemap generator
- refresh sitemap on worker with new host
These changes allow the sitemap to be correctly generated for different environments and to handle the new host correctly, which was the motivation behind this update. No other side effects are expected.
- Ensure consistent use of double quotes for strings in the
Gemfile and sitemap configuration files.
- Add spaces for better readability in array declarations
within the RefreshSitemapWorker.
These changes improve the readability of the code without
changing any functionality. Adhering to a consistent coding
style helps maintainability and team collaboration.
- Introduced `SeoConcern` module to handle SEO meta tags
- Integrated `meta-tags` gem for customizable meta tags
- Created `RefreshSitemapWorker` to automate sitemap updates
- Added relevant meta tags in controllers for weather art and cities
- Configured sitemap generation settings
These changes improve the SEO of the application by ensuring that
pages have appropriate meta tags. Additionally, a sitemap is now
generated and refreshed daily, enhancing site visibility to search
- Add language attribute to HTML tag
- Update meta viewport attribute for accessibility
- Include Plausible JavaScript tracking script for analytics
This change improves application accessibility by setting the language attribute for the HTML tag, and it enhances data collection capabilities by integrating Plausible analytics tracking.
- Adjust spacing around the quotes in the Gemfile
- Standardize spacing in the arts_controller for improved readability
- Modify routes file for consistent array formatting
These changes enhance the consistency of code style across the project without altering any functionality or behavior.
- Implement pagination for the cities index view.
- Add shared pagination partial to reduce code duplication.
- Modify arts index view to utilize the new pagination.
- Update cities controller to include pagination logic.
These updates improve usability by allowing better navigation through larger datasets, ensuring users can easily access and view items across multiple pages.
- Add region selection for filtering weather arts by region
- Implement sorting options for newest and oldest entries
- Update pagination to show links for each page when applicable
- Adjust the number of items displayed per page to 10
This commit enhances the user experience by allowing users to filter
and sort weather arts based on their preferences. It also improves
the pagination logic to provide more manageable navigation through
large datasets, making it easier for users to find the artworks they
are interested in.