songtianlun d570f43f95 feat: add font styling and enhance city views
- Import Playfair Display and Raleway fonts for better typography
- Add a method to `City` model for fetching the latest weather art
- Revamp city index and show pages for improved layout and usability
- Update styles in the layout and main pages to enhance user experience

These changes promote visual consistency and enhance user interaction within the platform, providing a more engaging experience.
2025-01-20 18:02:28 +08:00

9 lines
282 B

// Entry point for the build script in your package.json
import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
import "@fontsource/playfair-display/400.css";
import "@fontsource/playfair-display/700.css";
import "@fontsource/raleway/400.css";
import "@fontsource/raleway/600.css";
import "./controllers"