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songtianlun 2bcfea30ee feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq
- Implement BatchGenerateWeatherArtsWorker to handle batch
  processing of weather art generation.
- Create GenerateWeatherArtWorker for individual weather art
  generation tasks.
- Update Dockerfile to include redis-tools for Sidekiq support.
- Modify Gemfile to add sidekiq and sidekiq-scheduler gems.
- Configure Sidekiq in initializers and set up routes for
  Sidekiq dashboard.
- Include a sidekiq.yml configuration for scheduling jobs.
- Create compose.yaml for Docker services including web,
  database, Redis, and Sidekiq workers.

These changes introduce background processing capabilities
using Sidekiq, allowing for efficient generation of weather
art through scheduled and managed job queues, optimizing
performance and scalability.
2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
.github chore: update workflow name for Docker build 2025-01-22 09:39:04 +08:00
.kamal init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
app feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq 2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
bin init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
config feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq 2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
db feat: activate cities in seed files 2025-01-22 17:00:27 +08:00
lib/tasks init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
log init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
public init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
script init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
storage init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
test feat: add batch weather art generation jobs 2025-01-22 16:50:00 +08:00
tmp init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
vendor init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.dockerignore init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.gitattributes init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.gitignore chore: cleanup IDE configuration files 2025-01-20 13:27:29 +08:00
.node-version init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.rubocop.yml init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.ruby-version init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
compose.yaml feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq 2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
config.ru init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
Dockerfile feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq 2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
Gemfile feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq 2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
Gemfile.lock feat: add background job processing with Sidekiq 2025-01-22 17:58:25 +08:00
package.json chore: clean up code style and unused fixtures 2025-01-20 18:08:55 +08:00
Procfile.dev init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
Rakefile init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
README.md init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
tailwind.config.js feat: add font styling and enhance city views 2025-01-20 18:02:28 +08:00
yarn.lock feat: add font styling and enhance city views 2025-01-20 18:02:28 +08:00


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...