- Integrate 'friendly_id' gem for sluggable functionality in City model - Create ActiveAdmin resources for managing cities and weather arts - Implement controller logic for cities - Add database migrations for cities and weather arts creation - Seed database with sample data for testing - Create initial test cases for controllers and models This commit enhances the application's URL handling by allowing friendly URLs for cities and weather arts. The addition of ActiveAdmin resources facilitates easier management through a web interface.
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# FriendlyId Global Configuration
# Use this to set up shared configuration options for your entire application.
# Any of the configuration options shown here can also be applied to single
# models by passing arguments to the `friendly_id` class method or defining
# methods in your model.
# To learn more, check out the guide:
# http://norman.github.io/friendly_id/file.Guide.html
FriendlyId.defaults do |config|
# ## Reserved Words
# Some words could conflict with Rails's routes when used as slugs, or are
# undesirable to allow as slugs. Edit this list as needed for your app.
config.use :reserved
config.reserved_words = %w[new edit index session login logout users admin
stylesheets assets javascripts images]
# This adds an option to treat reserved words as conflicts rather than exceptions.
# When there is no good candidate, a UUID will be appended, matching the existing
# conflict behavior.
# config.treat_reserved_as_conflict = true
# ## Friendly Finders
# Uncomment this to use friendly finders in all models. By default, if
# you wish to find a record by its friendly id, you must do:
# MyModel.friendly.find('foo')
# If you uncomment this, you can do:
# MyModel.find('foo')
# This is significantly more convenient but may not be appropriate for
# all applications, so you must explicitly opt-in to this behavior. You can
# always also configure it on a per-model basis if you prefer.
# Something else to consider is that using the :finders addon boosts
# performance because it will avoid Rails-internal code that makes runtime
# calls to `Module.extend`.
# config.use :finders
# ## Slugs
# Most applications will use the :slugged module everywhere. If you wish
# to do so, uncomment the following line.
# config.use :slugged
# By default, FriendlyId's :slugged addon expects the slug column to be named
# 'slug', but you can change it if you wish.
# config.slug_column = 'slug'
# By default, slug has no size limit, but you can change it if you wish.
# config.slug_limit = 255
# When FriendlyId can not generate a unique ID from your base method, it appends
# a UUID, separated by a single dash. You can configure the character used as the
# separator. If you're upgrading from FriendlyId 4, you may wish to replace this
# with two dashes.
# config.sequence_separator = '-'
# Note that you must use the :slugged addon **prior** to the line which
# configures the sequence separator, or else FriendlyId will raise an undefined
# method error.
# ## Tips and Tricks
# ### Controlling when slugs are generated
# As of FriendlyId 5.0, new slugs are generated only when the slug field is
# nil, but if you're using a column as your base method can change this
# behavior by overriding the `should_generate_new_friendly_id?` method that
# FriendlyId adds to your model. The change below makes FriendlyId 5.0 behave
# more like 4.0.
# Note: Use(include) Slugged module in the config if using the anonymous module.
# If you have `friendly_id :name, use: slugged` in the model, Slugged module
# is included after the anonymous module defined in the initializer, so it
# overrides the `should_generate_new_friendly_id?` method from the anonymous module.
# config.use :slugged
# config.use Module.new {
# def should_generate_new_friendly_id?
# slug.blank? || <your_column_name_here>_changed?
# end
# }
# FriendlyId uses Rails's `parameterize` method to generate slugs, but for
# languages that don't use the Roman alphabet, that's not usually sufficient.
# Here we use the Babosa library to transliterate Russian Cyrillic slugs to
# ASCII. If you use this, don't forget to add "babosa" to your Gemfile.
# config.use Module.new {
# def normalize_friendly_id(text)
# text.to_slug.normalize! :transliterations => [:russian, :latin]
# end
# }