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songtianlun 84c224cf8d feat: add startup scheduling for production
- Schedule RefreshSitemapWorker after initialization
- Implement error handling for scheduling task
- Use Rails cache to prevent multiple tasks running simultaneously

This commit introduces a mechanism that schedules the
RefreshSitemapWorker to run once after the application starts
in production. It ensures that the task does not run
multiple times concurrently by using a cache key.
Error handling is included to log any failures
in scheduling the task, improving overall reliability.
2025-01-25 01:23:04 +08:00
.github chore: update Docker workflow configuration 2025-01-23 09:36:37 +08:00
.kamal init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
app feat: add jQuery and UI support 2025-01-25 01:11:15 +08:00
bin init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
config feat: add startup scheduling for production 2025-01-25 01:23:04 +08:00
db style: format priority values for consistency 2025-01-24 09:09:57 +08:00
lib/tasks init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
log init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
public feat: implement ads.txt configuration 2025-01-24 09:14:13 +08:00
script init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
storage init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
test feat: add pagination to weather arts gallery 2025-01-23 14:10:13 +08:00
tmp init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
vendor init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.dockerignore init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.gitattributes init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.gitignore fix: update default host in sitemap generator and refresh sitemap on worker 2025-01-23 19:40:08 +08:00
.node-version init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.rubocop.yml init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
.ruby-version init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
compose.yaml chore: update docker compose file 2025-01-23 17:44:03 +08:00
config.ru init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
Dockerfile fix: update ownership permissions in Dockerfile 2025-01-23 19:53:50 +08:00
Gemfile style: format code for consistency 2025-01-23 19:03:14 +08:00
Gemfile.lock feat: add SEO meta tags and sitemap generation 2025-01-23 19:02:52 +08:00
package.json feat: add jQuery and UI support 2025-01-25 01:11:15 +08:00
Procfile.dev init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
Rakefile init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
README.md init with rails8 + active-admin 2025-01-19 01:13:59 +08:00
tailwind.config.js feat: add font styling and enhance city views 2025-01-20 18:02:28 +08:00
yarn.lock feat: add jQuery and UI support 2025-01-25 01:11:15 +08:00


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...