- Add requirements for clearer and brighter images - Specify maintenance of brightness even in overcast conditions - Include enhancements for sunny day imagery - Revise output prompt to remove unnecessary prefix and suffix These changes improve the clarity and effectiveness of prompts used in AI-generated imagery. The additional specifications help guide the AI in producing visually appealing and contextually relevant images for various weather conditions.
95 lines
3.2 KiB
95 lines
3.2 KiB
class AiService
def initialize
@client = OpenAI::Client.new(
access_token: Rails.application.credentials.openai.token,
uri_base: Rails.application.credentials.openai.uri,
request_timeout: 240
def generate_prompt(city, weather_data)
city_desc = generate_location_desc(city)
system_message =
"You are a professional artist creating prompts for DALL-E 3. Create realistic, artistic weather scenes featuring iconic landmarks."
user_message = generate_dall_e_3_prompt_request(city, weather_data, city_desc)
ask_ai(system_message, user_message)
def generate_location_desc(city)
region = city.country.region&.name || ""
country = city.country.name || ""
state = city.state&.name || ""
system_message =
"You are a global geography master, you understand the culture, geography, architecture, customs and other information of all cities around the world. Describe this city based on the city I gave you. Include details about its culture, climate, landmarks, and any unique features that make this place special. Condense the keyword into a description of about 50 words"
user_message =
"Describe the characteristics of the city of #{city.name}, located in the #{state}, #{country}, #{region}"
ask_ai(system_message, user_message)
def generate_image(prompt)
response = @client.images.generate(
parameters: {
model: "dall-e-3",
prompt: prompt,
size: "1792x1024",
quality: "standard",
n: 1
response.dig("data", 0, "url")
def ask_ai(system_message, user_message)
response = @client.chat(
parameters: {
model: "gpt-4",
[ {
role: "System",
content: system_message
}, {
role: "User",
content: user_message
} ],
temperature: 0.7,
max_tokens: 300
response.dig("choices", 0, "message", "content")
def generate_dall_e_3_prompt_request(city, weather_data, city_desc)
region = city.country.region&.name || ""
country = city.country.name || ""
state = city.state&.name || ""
Create a DALL-E 3 prompt for a weather scene in #{city.name}, #{state}, #{country}, #{region}.
Location Desc: #{city_desc}
Weather conditions:
- Temperature: #{weather_data[:temperature]}°C
- Weather: #{weather_data[:description]}
- Cloud cover: #{weather_data[:cloud]}%
- Time: #{weather_data[:time]}
- Feature iconic landmarks or architecture from #{city.name}
- Realistic style
- Weather conditions should be clearly visible
- Keep the picture clear and bright and avoid blurring
- Ensure the overall brightness is maintained, even in overcast conditions, by incorporating vibrant colors and soft lighting effects.
- If it’s a sunny day, enhance the brightness and warmth of the scene.
- Atmospheric and artistic composition
Generate a detailed, creative prompt that will produce a beautiful and realistic image. Directly output prompt words, no prefix and suffix words